I Congreso Iberoamericano de Docentes

09/10/2018 10:07

Objetivo: El Congreso Iberoamericano de Docentes nace con el objetivo de unir, de sumar fuerzas, de trabajar en equipo y lograr metas aun más altas. Será un escaparate donde dar a conocer proyectos, actividades, experiencias… y dar un paso más. Hacer de ese escaparate un lugar de reunión donde encontrar compañeros que llevan a cabo labores similares o que están en la búsqueda de un proyecto como el tuyo para su aula. El Congreso se llevará a cabo en dos formatos: presencial y virtual. Ambos con los mismos objetivos y propósitos. Nadie tiene por qué perderse este evento por razones de distancia o imposibilidad de viajar.

Inscrições: até 15 de novembro de 2018

Data: 26 de novembro a 08 de dezembro de 2018

Local: Cádiz, Espanha

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Wellcome Trust – Investigator Awards in Science 2018

08/10/2018 11:24

Objetivo: Investigator Awards provide flexible funding of up to around £3 million for researches in the field of Publich Health. Awards can last up to 7 years. Investigator Awards enable independent researchers with a compelling research vision to tackle the most important questions in science.

Inscrição: até 12 de novembro de 2018

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III Coloquio Iberoamericano de Educación Rural | VI Seminario Nacional de Investigación Educativa | Cusco-Peru

05/10/2018 09:46

Objetivo: La SIEP lleva a cabo seminarios nacionales de investigación educativa cada dos años, estos buscan ser espacios académicos para la discusión y difusión de investigaciones, que desde diversas aproximaciones disciplinarias y perspectivas metodológicas, tengan como foco de atención a los fenómenos educativos. En esta sexta edición, se llevará a cabo el tema “Perspectivas y desafíos de la educación rural: diálogos entre la investigación y la política educativa”.

Inscrições: até 10 de novembro de 2018

Data: 0810 de novembro de 2018

Local: Cusco, Peru

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Princeton University – Fung Global Fellows Program 2019/2020

04/10/2018 14:52

Objetivo: Food, clothes, entertainment, and the security and health of the planet depend on what distant people do for, with, and against others.  Sometimes, recognition of interdependence has led to cooperation, other times to conquest or competition, and frequently to a mixture of all three.  Oftentimes, new social identities and movements, national, regional, and religious, emerge in response to rising interdependence and the convergences and inequities it has produced.  The goal of the 2018-19 Fung Global Fellows cohort will be to explore the ways people learned to rely on or to reject strangers far away, as well as to imagine how global relationships came to be and could be different.  The 2018-2019 program is led by Faculty Director Jeremy Adelman.

Inscrições: até 09 de novembro de 2018

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Earth Institute at Columbia University – Postdoctoral Fellowship

02/10/2018 09:55

Objetivo: The program provides innovative postdoctoral scholars with the opportunity to build a foundation in one of the core disciplines represented within the Earth Institute (i.e. social, earth, biological, engineering, and health sciences), while at the same time acquiring the breadth of cross-disciplinary expertise needed to address critical issues related to sustainable development. Specific areas of research include food security, energy systems, climate change impacts, poverty reduction, disease, and environmental degradation. The program offers a unique intellectual surrounding that fosters cross-disciplinary interaction, research and education.

Inscrições: até 31 de outubro de 2018

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Global Change Leaders 2019

02/10/2018 09:52

Objetivo: Established in 2011, the Global Change Leaders Program is a seven-week education program offered by Coady Institute’s International Centre for Women’s Leadership. This program enables women from developing countries to strengthen their leadership capacities in order to contribute to innovation and change in their organizations and communities.

Inscrições: até 31 de outubro de 2018

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