Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research – Conference and Workshop Grants

01/11/2018 09:41

Objetivo: Conference and Workshop Grants are for amounts up to $20,000. In accordance with the mission of the Foundation, priority is given to events that foster the creation of an international community of research scholars in anthropology and advance significant and innovative anthropological research.

Inscrições: até 01 de dezembro de 2018

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ICO/ICTP Gallieno Denardo Award

31/10/2018 10:16

Objetivo: This prize is reserved for young researchers from developing countries (as defined by the United Nations), who conduct their research in a developing country. The award will be given to scientists less than 40 years old (on December 31 of the year for which the award is given), who are active in research in Optics and have contributed to the promotion of research activities in Optics in their own or another developing country.

Inscrições: todos os anos, até 01 de dezembro

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio

IEEE/PES – Uno Lamm High Voltage Direct Current Award

31/10/2018 10:14

Objetivo:  This award recognizes outstanding contributions to HVDC technology. The technology has developed into an effective power system tool for long-distance energy transport, ac network interconnections, and system stability enhancement. These developments have come from the work of dedicated engineers and scientists in many countries throughout the world.

Inscrições: até 30 de novembro de 2018

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio

SfAA – Peter K. New Award 2019

31/10/2018 09:59

Objetivo: The Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA) announces an annual student research competition in the applied social and behavioral sciences. The award will be given to the best paper which reports on an applied research project in the social/behavioral sciences. The research question should be in the domain of health care or human services (broadly construed).

Inscrições: até 30 de novembro de 2018

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio

Lady Davis Fellowship Trust – Technion Institute of Technology: Post-Doctoral Fellowships

31/10/2018 09:54

Objetivo: To offer post-doctoral fellowships in the field of technology. Fellowships are granted for one year with the possibility of an extension for an additional year. The starting date of the visit should not be later than five years after receipt of the Doctoral Degree.

Inscrições: até 30 de novembro de 2018

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Tags: BolsaExterior

Lady Davis Fellowship Trust – Technion Institute of Technology: Visiting Professors Fellowships

31/10/2018 09:49

Objetivo: To offer visiting fellowships to professors from outside Israel. Visits are for two months to a year during the Academic Year at the Technion. The monthly salaries are (a minimum of) U.S. $2,400 (professor) and U.S. $2,000 (associate professor).

Inscrições: até 30 de novembro de 2018

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Edital Capes nº36/2017 – Programa de Bolsas para Pesquisa Capes/Humboldt

30/10/2018 09:55

Objetivo: Conceder bolsas de pós-doutorado (estágio pós-doutoral) e pesquisador experiente (estágio sênior) para estudos na Alemanha em todas as áreas do conhecimento. Está prevista a concessão de até 15 bolsas em cada uma das seis chamadas nas duas modalidades.

Inscrições: até 30 de novembro de 2018

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Society for Biomaterials – C. William Hall Scholarship 2019

30/10/2018 09:52

Objetivo: The scholarship will be awarded to a junior or senior undergraduate pursuing a bachelor’s degree in bioengineering or a related discipline. During the year (Jan-Dec) of the scholarship award, it is required that the student participate in undergraduate research in biomaterials. The C. William Hall Scholarship applicants will need to submit brief essays on their planned research and career objectives, as well as obtain a letter from their advisor / mentor confirming their status and role in the research.

Inscrições: até 30 de novembro de 2018

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SBBq – South American Research and Travel (SART) Fellowships

30/10/2018 09:50

Objetivo: To provide research training opportunities for young investigators in South America working in the areas of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. The aim of this program is to contribute toward the development of collaborations, training in novel methodologies and career opportunities in South America by providing travel assistance for young researchers to pursue short-term (1-3 months) training at sites distinct from their primary institutions.

Inscrições: até 30 de novembro de 2018

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Tags: Apoio financeiroBolsaExterior