[chamada] Linde Healthcare Realfund

07/06/2017 10:40

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

Objetivo: The Linde Healthcare RealFund supports projects for the further development of medical devices, services and new applications for pharmaceutical gases and therapeutic solutions. In addition, the Linde Healthcare are interested in innovative treatment pathways and complementary products that have the potential to produce measurable advantages or improvements in outcomes or economics throughout the care continuum from hospital to home.

The primary focus for project proposals is the field of respiratory diseases
and their co-morbidities.

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[chamada] NIH – NEI Research Grant for Vision Related Secondary Data Analysis (R21)

07/06/2017 10:13

Objetivo: The purpose of this FOA is for secondary data analysis from vision related clinical trials, epidemiologic and other clinical research studies. This FOA may be used to develop new statistical methodologies or test hypotheses using existing data, but this FOA must not be used to support the collection of new data.

Inscrições: R21: February 16, June 16 and October 16, 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.

Expiração: May 8, 2019.

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Tags: EditalExterior

[chamada] NIH – Self-Management Interventions and Technologies to Sustain Health and Optimize Functional Capabilities (R01 and R21)

02/06/2017 15:42

The Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) seeks clinical research on self management interventions and technologies that improve health and quality of life in persons needing assistance to optimize and maintain existing functional capabilities, prevent/delay disabilities and navigate their environment. The research focus encompasses maintenance/restorative care that can be tailored to individuals’ existing functional abilities and interests and is intended to enhance physical, sensory, motor, and mental capabilities. Of particular interest is research designed to maintain functional capabilities in such conditions as cardiac and respiratory insufficiency, movement impairment associated with arthritis, chronic back pain, stroke, and other physical or cognitive disabilities.

June 5 and October 5, 2017 – R01
June 16 and October 16, 2017 – R21

Letter of Intent Due Date(s):
30 days prior to the application due date.

Data de expiração:
January 8, 2020.

Mais informações em R01 e R21.

Tags: EditalExterior

[chamada] EIF – Information Access in Developing Countries Program

02/06/2017 15:25

The Engineering Information Foundation (EiF) is an independent private foundation, chartered in the State of New York. The Foundation’s mission is to improve worldwide engineering education and practice through information technology and the recruitment of women. The EiF’s grant activity supports developmental projects, instructional projects, and training programs in engineering education and research. The Information Access in Developing Countries Program goals are to support and strengthen educational and service center programs that help students and teachers find and use the engineering information they need.

até 31 de agosto de 2017

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Tags: EditalExterior

[chamada] Edital de Seleção Pública Culturas Populares: Edição Leandro Gomes de Barros

02/06/2017 15:00

O presente Edital visa reconhecer e premiar as iniciativas de Mestres e Mestras, Grupos/Comunidades sem constituição jurídica e pessoas jurídicas sem fins lucrativos com natureza ou finalidade cultural que envolvam as expressões das culturas populares brasileiras.

até 28 de julho de 2017

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Tags: BrasilEdital

[chamada] Chamada Pública MCTIC/CNPq/FINEP Nº 01/2017 – Auxílio à Promoção de Eventos Científicos, Tecnológicos e/ou de Inovação – ARC

02/06/2017 14:38

Apoiar eventos nacionais ou mundiais que visem contribuir significativamente para o desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico e a inovação do país.

até 10 de julho de 2017

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Tags: BrasilCNPqEditalFINEP

[chamada] AACR – SU2C Catalyst Research Grants: Genentech-Supported Projects

02/06/2017 14:33

The SU2C Catalyst Research Grants is a new collaborative initiative intended to leverage all stages of the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, diagnostic, and devices industries to bring new treatments to patients as rapidly as possible. The Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C) Catalyst establishes a mechanism through which industry and academic scientists in the cancer community will conduct SU2C collaborative research projects that will deliver significant benefits for patients and society, accelerating the development of new treatments and, where appropriate, combination therapies.

até 27 de junho de 2017

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[chamada] Chamada Pública CAPES/CNPq/DAAD – Chamada CNPq nº. 04/2017 e Edital CAPES nº 15/2017

02/06/2017 14:00

O objetivo do Programa é apoiar candidatos para realização de doutorado pleno, de doutorado sanduíche e de doutorado sanduíche com cotutela na Alemanha, contribuindo para a consolidação da cooperação científica entre Brasil e Alemanha.

até 08 de junho de 2017

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Tags: BrasilCapesCNPqEdital

[chamada] European Crohns and Colitis Organisation – Fellowship 2018

01/06/2017 16:14

ECCO Fellowships aims to encourage and support young individuals in their career and promote innovative scientific research in the area of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD) in Europe. ECCO Research Fellowships aim to enhance the opportunity for IBD trainees to work in European centres.

até 01 de setembro de 2017

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Tags: EditalExterior

[chamada] British Council e CONFAP apoiarão cursos de comunicação científica.

01/06/2017 15:20

Realização de cursos de curta duração voltados para pesquisadores em todos os estágios da carreira acadêmica e de todas as áreas do conhecimento, para desenvolvimento de habilidades em comunicação científica.

até 11 de junho de 2017

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Tags: EditalExterior