The Academy of Osseointegration (AO), the world’s leading dental implant organization, and the Osseointegration Foundation were established to provide a focus for the rapidly advancing biotechnology involving the natural bond between bone and certain alloplastic reconstructive materials. The purpose of the Charitable Grant is to provide financial assistance and improve the lives of individuals diagnosed with a lifetime dental condition or for those who have had severe dental trauma and are unable to receive needed dental therapy due to economic restraints.
durante todo o ano.
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The Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Foundation aims to support families affected by Prion Disease, raise awareness, and support medical education and research. The Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Foundation is pleased to announce a Call for New Grant Applications for research projects relating to human prion diseases. In line with the mission of the Foundation, only new research projects will be considered for funding from researchers worldwide.
até 01 de agosto de 2017.
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A Chamada Publica nº01/2017 tem como objetivo selecionar projetos voltados a Promoção Socioeconômica com foco em saúde, educação, inclusão produtiva e promoção da cidadania, que tenham como finalidade a erradicação da pobreza, inclusão social e econômica, promoção da justiça, da dignidade e da qualidade de vida, implementados por organizações da sociedade civil sem fins lucrativos que atuem junto a grupos e comunidades em situação de vulnerabilidade social.
até 04 de julho de 2017.
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The International Short Visits is aimed at researchers in Switzerland who wish to go abroad for a short period or researchers abroad who wish to collaborate with researchers in Switzerland. During the visit, they pursue a small joint research project. Short visits may last from one week to three months.
There are no geographical and topical restrictions.
The guest needs to fulfil the following requirements:
1. Hold a doctorate, or a comparable degree;
2. Be employed as a researcher in his/her home institution;
3. Establish or renew cooperation between home and guest institution as a result of the visit;
4. Must not have received a grant under this scheme within the last three years.
durante todo o ano.
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O Edital Capes nº20/2017 torna pública a seleção de projetos de Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) brasileiras com curso de bacharelado e/ou licenciatura em Letras, Língua Inglesa, para o Programa Capes/Fulbright de Assistente de Ensino de Língua Inglesa (English Teaching Assistant – ETA). O Programa busca selecionar projetos para o recebimento de assistentes de ensino de língua inglesa (cidadão estadunidense – falante nativo), com intuito de contribuir para a elevação da qualidade dos cursos, na perspectiva de valorizar a formação e a relevância social dos profissionais do magistério da educação básica.
até dia 31 de julho de 2017.
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The Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages applications for a planning grant from institutions in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) to design a Global Infectious Disease (GID) Research Training Program in collaboration with U.S. institutions. The application should propose a collaborative process to design a training program that will strengthen the capacity of the LMIC institution to conduct infectious disease research. Planning grants should describe a detailed vision for a research-training program that focuses on a major endemic or life-threatening emerging infectious disease, neglected tropical disease, infections that frequently occur as a co-infection in HIV infected individuals or infections associated with non-communicable disease conditions of public health importance in LMICs.
July 27, 2017; July 26, 2018; July 25, 2019.
Letter of Intent Due Date(s):
30 days prior to the application due date.
Data de expiração:
July 26, 2019.
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Objetivo: O Rotary é uma rede global de líderes comunitários, amigos e vizinhos que se unem para causar mudanças positivas e duradouras em suas cidades e pelo mundo. Por meio de projetos sustentáveis em diversas áreas, como alfabetização, paz, saúde e recursos hídricos, o Rotary sempre procura maneiras de criar um mundo melhor.
Os Subsídios Globais podem financiar:
1.Projetos humanitários;
2.Bolsas para estudos acadêmicos em nível de graduação;
3.Equipes de formação profissional, ou seja, grupos de profissionais que viajam para o exterior para ensinar profissionais locais ou aprender com eles.
Inscrições: Os pedidos são aceitos durante todo o ano. No entanto, solicitações que envolvam viagem devem ser enviadas noventa dias antes das datas de partida.
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The Investigator Awards in Science enables independent researchers with a compelling research vision to tackle the most important questions in science.
Elegibilidade: Applicants must be an independent researcher with a compelling research vision who wants to tackle the most important questions in their field. Thes Awards are also open to joint applications from two researchers whose complementary expertise is essential to deliver their shared vision.
Inscrições até:
27 de julho de 2017
27 de novembro de 2017
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Objetivo: The Advanced Valve Disease Educational Fellowship aims to provide fellows an interactive educational opportunity to observe and have discussions with specialists in the treatment of heart valve disease at suggested institutions, while concurrently obtaining technical skills and perioperative patient management. The Fellowship provides a educational experience for cardiothoracic surgeons from around the world to spend a minimum of one month up to three months at host institutions.
Inscrição: até 01 de julho de 2017
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Objetivo: This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) supports small research projects on cancer that can be carried out in a short period of time with limited resources. The R03 grant mechanism supports different types of projects including pilot and feasibility studies; secondary analysis of existing data; small, self-contained research projects; development of research methodology; and development of new research technology.
A budget for direct costs of up to US$50,000.00 per year may be requested. The maximum project period is two years.
Application Due Dates: June 27, 2017; October 26, 2017;
February 27, 2018; June 29, 2018; October 26, 2018;
February 26, 2019; June 28, 2019; October 25, 2019, 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
Expiration Date: January 8, 2020.
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