Society for Leukocyte Biology – Mentoring Diversity Travel Award 2018

13/04/2018 11:51

Objetivo: To provide fund for one underrepresented PhD-graduate/undergraduate student or postdoctoral fellow who is 1st author (first person listed on the abstract; co-first-authors are not considered) on a submitted abstract and has been selected to give an oral or poster presentation at the annual society meeting.

Inscrições: até 26 de junho de 2018

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Braskem – Programa de Patrocínios 2017

13/04/2018 11:46

Objetivo: Apoiar financeiramente projetos com foco em inovação e geração de conhecimento, Cultura, Esporte, Plástico, Química e Sustentabilidade, Técnico e Comercial, Desenvolvimento Econômico, Social, Meio Ambiente.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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Tags: Apoio financeiroBrasilEdital

Immune Tolerance Network – Clinical Trials in Immune Tolerance for Protein/Gene-replacement Therapy 2016

12/04/2018 11:44

Objetivo: The ITN accepts Concept Proposals year-round for novel clinical trials with testable hypotheses that are designed to induce immune tolerance in allergy and asthma, autoimmune disease, transplantation and type 1 diabetes. In addition, the ITN accepts proposals for the development of novel tolerance assays or mechanistic studies for the purposes of establishing new surrogate biomarkers of immune tolerance and investigating the mechanisms of clinical tolerance.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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HSI – Small Grants Program: Awards for Botanical and Horticultural Research Projects on the Zingiberales

12/04/2018 11:41

Objetivo: The Heliconia Society International sponsors a small grants program supporting research projects on any aspects of the botany and horticulture of the Zingiberales conducted by graduate and post-doctoral students enrolled at recognized universities and research institutions.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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Global Innovation Fund – GIF Funds

12/04/2018 11:25

Objetivo: To fund innovations with strong potential for social impact at a large scale. We define ‘innovation’ broadly to include new business models, policy practices, technologies, behavioural insights, or ways of delivering products and services that benefit the poor in developing countries — any solution that has potential to address an important development problem more effectively than existing approaches.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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American Psychological Foundation/ Division 39 – Grant 2018

10/04/2018 15:57

Objetivo: To support efforts in education, research, and service that demonstrate the value of psychoanalytic principles and advance the field of psychoanalysis. The Fund supports new projects that have impact at the interface of psychoanalysis and contemporary society. The Fund is especially committed to supporting the next generations of psychoanalysts and psychoanalytically oriented psychologists, and to improving the health and well-being of under-served populations.

Inscrições: até 15 de junho de 2018

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ICWA – John Miller Musser Memorial Forest & Society Fellowships 2018

10/04/2018 15:39

Objetivo: To offer people with graduate degrees in forestry or forest-related specialities an opportunity to broaden their understanding of the relationship of forest-resource problems to humans, including policy-makers, environmentalists, farmers, scientists and forest-product industrialists. John O. Crane Memorial Fellowships provide support for study in Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

Inscrições: até 15 de junho de 2018

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