Founded by parents of children with type 1 juvenile diabetes, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International (JDRF) has always focused on a single goal – accelerating research progress to cure diabetes and its complications. The Industry Discovery and Development Partnerships (IDDP) are intended to provide support to companies/for-profit entities for research programs that are closely focused on a priority area within JDRF’s mission.
Letters of Intent and Applications are reviewed on an ongoing basis in order to accelerate the time between initial application and potential funding.
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Objetivo: The Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages preclinical and clinical research to study whether, and how, different neurodegenerative disease processes interact with one another to initiate and/or hasten progression of neuropathology and dementia.
Inscrições: até 05 de outubro de 2017
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The American Academy of Neurology and the American Brain Foundation are pleased to announce the Susan S. Spencer Clinical Research Training Fellowship in Epilepsy to support clinical research training in the field of epilepsy. It is hoped that the program, targeting fellows and new faculty, will foster the development of investigators interested in pursuing careers in patient oriented research.
até dia 01 de outubro de 2017.
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Objetivo: Financiar projetos de jovens pesquisadores (que tenham concluído o doutorado depois de 1º de janeiro de 2007), que estejam buscando estabelecer ou consolidar suas próprias agendas de investigação. Pesquisas ambiciosas e com visão de longo prazo serão bem acolhidas, ainda que envolvam estratégias de risco.
Inscrições: até 15 de setembro de 2017
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The AFR-PPP scheme for PhD and Postdoc grants supports researchers who carry out their PhD and/or postdoc training in collaboration with a company in Luxembourg. The scheme is open to all researchers, regardless of their nationality. Collaborating companies must have a presence in Luxembourg.
até dia 01 de setembro de 2017.
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Conceder ate cem bolsas de estudos para cidadãos oriundos de países em desenvolvimento, para realização de curso de doutorado pleno em Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) brasileiras publicas ou privadas que emitam diplomas de validade nacional, em programas de pós-graduação stricto sensu com nota igual ou superior a três.
até dia 15 de setembro de 2017.
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provides funding support for individuals studying or working in the healthcare field in low or middle income countries (LMICs) to advance. Scholarship funding may be requested to support completion of a Masters, PhD, Fellowship or other certification or training program in HTA or a closely related field. Scholarships may also support participation in an internship with an HTA agency or body, other public sector body, or non-governmental organization (NGO) to gain practical experience and/or contribute to specific research projects in HTA.
Inscrições: throughout the HTAi fiscal year (June 1 to May 31) with no specific deadline.
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Objetivo: The Research and Education Foundation Young Investigator Award is intended to provide young investigators, not yet professionally established in the radiologic sciences, the opportunity to gain further insight into scientific investigation and to develop competence in research techniques and methods.
Inscrições: até 15 de março, de todos os anos
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IMDTRF aims to fund original research worldwide that contributes to the body of evidence related to the usefulness and limitations of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy. The Continuation Grant to assist investigators requiring a small amount of funding in order to complete a project or facilitate publication. Funds will only be considered for projects that are either completed or near completion. The study must further research into the usefulness and/or limitations of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT). Prior funding is not required to apply for this mechanism.
durante todo o ano.
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In the framework of its alumni programme, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) offers the opportunity to form institutional partnerships, combining various activities that lead to a long-term collaboration between foreign alumni of AvH programmes and German academics. The aim of the Research Group Linkage Programme is to build a sustainable basis for long-term international academic collaboration, also integrating (doctoral and post-doctoral) junior researchers who are potential candidates for an AvH research fellowship.
durante todo o ano.
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