Uni­ver­sity Pro­fess­or­ship in Machine Learn­ing and IT Secur­ity – Technical University Berlin Germany

10/12/2020 09:03

Grande áreaExatas e da Terra

Objetivo: Qual­i­fied applic­ants who based on pre­vi­ous work will con­duct inde­pend­ent research and teach­ing in two or more of the fol­low­ing areas:
(i) Machine Learn­ing for IT-Secur­ity
(ii) for IT-Secur­ity for Machine Learn­ing
(iii) Scal­able IT-Secur­ity
(iv) Secur­ity fo Data Sci­ence Sys­tems and Plat­forms.

Inscrições: até 04 de janeiro de 2021

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