Mycological Society of America – Forest Fungal Ecology Research Award 2019

28/01/2019 08:21

Objetivo: This award supports ecological studies of fungal interactions in old growth forests or other unique or endangered ecosystems. Proposals should address innovative approaches to examining fungal systems or interactions of individuals, or groups of fungi, with hosts or substrates in old growth forests or other sensitive ecosystems. Floristic and systematic studies will not be considered.

Inscrições: até 15 de fevereiro de 2019

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Anita Borg Institute – Social Impact Award 2019

24/01/2019 08:19

Objetivo: The Social Impact Abie Award recognizes a woman whose work is making a positive impact on women, technology and society. Nominees may have developed technology that caused social change or empowered women and increased their influence.

Inscrições: até 13 de fevereiro de 2019

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio