7º Edelvives International Picture Book Award

12/12/2017 08:23

Objetivo: To encourage authors and illustrators to submit proposals for editorial projects which offer new ideas, allowing Edelvives to continue innovating in the development of its publishing line. The project must adhere to the concept of a picture book: a book in which the story is told through images and text, which complement each other. The prize will be awarded to the best editorial project for a picture book submitted, not to a finished work.The topic of the project is open.

Inscrições: até 20 de dezembro de 2017

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SEC/SP – In-Edit Brasil: Festival Internacional do Documentário Musical 2018

11/12/2017 15:31

Objetivo: O In-Edit Brasil: Festival Internacional do Documentário Musical é um evento cinematográfico que tem como objetivo fomentar a produção e a difusão de filmes documentários que tenham a música como elemento integrador. O Festival nasceu em Barcelona em 2003 e hoje é realizado em diversos países como Espanha, Chile, Grécia, Peru e Colômbia.

Inscrições: até 01 de março de 2018

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Tags: BrasilPrêmio

V Prêmio Serviço Florestal Brasileiro em Estudos de Economia e Mercado Florestal

11/12/2017 14:56

Objetivo: Estimular estudos de Economia e Mercado Florestal, focando a produção sustentável no Brasil, os seus desafios e perspectivas socioeconômicas e ambientais, e criar um portfólio de estudos que contribuam para o aprimoramento institucional do SFB. O Prêmio será concedido em duas categorias: Graduando e Profissional. Os trabalhos deverão tratar do tema: Economia e Mercado Florestal.

Inscrições: até 12 de janeiro de 2017

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Tags: BrasilPrêmio

Chordoma Foundation – Prize for New Chordoma Cell Lines

06/12/2017 15:13

Objetivo: The Chordoma Foundation is a nonprofit organization working to improve the lives of chordoma patients by accelerating research to develop effective treatments for chordoma, and by helping patients to get the best care possible.  The foundation has set a goal of developing 10 valid chordoma cell lines and making them easily accessible to the research community.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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Energy Globe Award 2018

06/12/2017 15:04

Objetivo: The objective of the ENERGY GLOBE Award is to present successful sustainable projects to a global audience and to demonstrate that for many environmental problems feasible solutions already exist. Projects submitted from over 170 countries take part each year in the awards.

Inscrições: até 12 de dezembro de 2017

Data: 16 de janeiro de 2018

Local: Teerã, Irã.

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Found Animals – Michelson Prize

06/12/2017 14:54

Objetivo: The Michelson Prize is an incentivized prize challenge that will award $25 million to the first entity to provide Found Animals with a low-cost, permanent, nonsurgical sterilant for male and female cats and dogs. The prize-winning product will have, at a minimum, the following characteristics: single-dose, permanent, nonsurgical sterilant; safe and effective in male and female cats and dogs; ablates sex steroids and/or their effects; suitable for administration in a field setting; viable pathway to regulatory approval; reasonable manufacturing process and cost.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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Tags: BolsaExteriorPrêmio

EMDR Research Foundation – Sandra Wilson Memorial Dissertation Grant Awards

01/12/2017 09:10

Objetivo: Sandra Wilson’s 1995 dissertation research was the basis for the first validating study of Shapiro’s original research.  To honor Dr. Wilson, the Dissertation Award has been renamed. The publication of her dissertation research was so pivotal for EMDR therapy it seems like a fitting tribute, and, for any award recipient, an appropriate inspiration. 

Inscrições: todos os anos, até 01 de fevereiro e 01 de julho.

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ESPID – Young Investigator Award 2018

01/12/2017 09:00

Objetivo: The European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases (Espid) aims to promote excellence in paediatric infectious diseases and child health. The Espids vision is to be the lider in the field of paediatric infectious diseases. The Young Investigator Award will be given out to outstanding young investigator in the field of paediatric infectious diseases.

Inscrições: todos os anos, até 31 de janeiro

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio