[chamada] Edital Building Movements – Feminismos Contemporâneos

01/08/2017 16:44

Fortalecer movimentos de mulheres e meninas, com um olhar particular para coletivos de jovens mulheres e seu engajamento com outros movimentos já estabelecidos.

até dia 25 de agosto de 2017.

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Tags: EditalExterior

[chamada] Chamada do Programa Academia Industry Training – Ait Suíça

01/08/2017 16:39

Selecionar jovens pesquisadores e empreendedores para a participação em Treinamento no Programa “Academy Industry Training” (AIT). Trata-se de uma iniciativa conjunta entre MCTIC, CNPq e Swissnex Brasil para apoiar jovens pesquisadores a estabelecerem parcerias com a indústria para fundarem empresas spin-offs ou startups, construindo, assim, possíveis parcerias internacionais.

até dia 11 de agosto de 2017.

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Tags: BrasilCNPqEditalExterior

[chamada] Simons Collaboration on the Origins of Life (SCOL) – Postdoctoral Fellowships 2018

31/07/2017 17:30

The Simons Collaboration on the Origins of Life (SCOL) -Postdoctoral Fellowships aim to support independent research on topics related to the origins of life at one or more laboratories or research institutions in any country. The collaboration seeks to engage the ideas and creativity of researchers around the world by providing an array of opportunities for postdoctoral fellows to interact with colleagues from different disciplines and programs, both online and in person, including webinars, workshops and annual symposia.

até dia 12 de setembro de 2017.

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Tags: BolsaEditalExterior

[chamada] Programa Capes/SIU

28/07/2017 13:05

O Programa, pela seleção de projetos conjuntos de pesquisa, desenvolvidos por grupos brasileiros e noruegueses, tem por objetivos fortalecer a cooperação entre Instituições de Ensino Superior e/ou de Pesquisa do Brasil e da Noruega, fomentar a colaboração e o intercâmbio científico entre grupos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento brasileiros e noruegueses e fomentar a mobilidade de docentes e de estudantes de pós-graduação no nível de doutorado e de pós-doutorado.

até dia 11 de setembro de 2017.

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Tags: BrasilCapesEditalExterior

[chamada] NIH – Optimizing HIV Phylodynamics to Target and Interrogate Clusters (OPTICs) (R21)

28/07/2017 12:24

The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support exploratory basic research to develop innovative phylodynamic approaches to identify and prioritize the most rapidly growing HIV transmission clusters within a given population of individuals in near-real time.

September 7, 2017 and January 7, 2018.

Letter of Intent Due Date(s):
30 days prior to the application due date.

Data de expiração:
May 8, 2020.

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Tags: EditalExterior

[chamada] JFTC – Essay Competition 2017

28/07/2017 12:13

Japan Foreign Trade Council, Inc. (JFTC) was founded in June 1947 as a core private-sector organization in the area of international trade with nationwide membership of private companies and organizations. JFTC is sponsoring the Essay Competition 2017 to encourage students, young researchers and business people to express their opinions on matters of national and international importance.

até dia 08 de setembro de 2017.

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Tags: EditalExterior

[chamada] NIH – HIV/HCV Co-Infections in Substance Abusers (R01)

28/07/2017 10:56

The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to fill gaps in the understanding of:
1. The impact of substance abuse on HIV, HIV/HCV co-infection associated disease progression;
2. The pathogenic interactions between HIV and hepatitis C virus;
3. Hepatic and non-hepatic co-morbidities associated with HIV/HCV-co-infections in people with substance abuse disorders (SUDs);
4. The effectiveness of interferon-free direct acting antiviral (DAAs) drug regimens to treat HIV/HCV co-infections in people with SUDs.

September 7, 2017 and January 7, 2018.

Letter of Intent Due Date(s):
30 days prior to the application due date.

Data de expiração:
January 8, 2018.

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Tags: EditalExterior

[chamada] European Commission – Birth Day Prize 2017

28/07/2017 10:36

The Birth Day Prize is an initiative of the European Commission that aims to: reduce maternal and/or new-born deaths, stillbirths and/or maternal and new-born morbidity rates related to giving birth in facility-based deliveries and improve quality and outcomes of care surrounding facility-based delivery.

até dia 06 de setembro de 2017.

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Tags: EditalExterior

[chamada] Newton Advanced Fellowships 2018

27/07/2017 18:16

The Newton Advanced Fellowships focuses on early to mid-career international researchers who have already established (or are in the process of establishing) a research group or research network and have a research track record. The focus will be on developing their research strengths and providing support for more formalised training and development in collaboration with a UK partner. The award will support the international researcher in their own country, providing them with funding through a UK partner to establish and develop collaborations with the UK with the intention of transferring knowledge and research capabilities to partner countries.

até dia 06 de setembro de 2017.

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Tags: BrasilEditalExterior

[chamada] IDRC Research Awards 2018

27/07/2017 17:54

The Research Awards is open to Canadians, permanent esidents of Canada, and citizens of developing countries pursuing a master’s or a doctoral degree at a recognized university or who have completed a master’s or a doctoral degree at a recognized university.

até dia 06 de setembro de 2017.

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Tags: BrasilEditalExterior