56º Congreso Internacional de Americanistas (ICA)

06/10/2017 15:33

56º Congreso Internacional de Americanistas (ICA) – Universalidade e particularismo nas Américas.

de 15 a 20 de julho de 2018.

Submissões de propostas:
até 10 de outubro de 2017.

Salamanca, Espanha.

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Research Associates / PostDoc in Security and Privacy in Network Communication at SnT

29/09/2017 17:39

The Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) invites applications from PhD holders in the area of Security and Privacy in Network Communication. SnT is carrying out interdisciplinary research in secure, reliable and trustworthy ICT systems and services, often in collaboration with industrial, governmental or international partners.

até 21 de outubro de 2017.

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Tags: BolsaEditalExterior

UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize for the Use of ICTs in Education

29/09/2017 17:34

The UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize for the Use of ICTs in Education aims to contribute to equity in education, a key pillar of the Education 2030 agenda, and the guiding principle of Sustainable Development Goal 4. The theme of the current edition of the Prize is ‘the use of ICTs to increase access to quality education’. National Commissions of the Member States of UNESCO and International Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) maintaining official relations with UNESCO are invited to solicit, nominate and submit candidatures for the Prize.

até 20 de outubro de 2017.

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Postdoc of dairy protein chemistry

29/09/2017 17:12

The project focuses on insight at the molecular level into interactions between selected food components (milk proteins, polysaccharides and how this affects digestion and physiological responses. The approach is cross-disciplinary approach, bringing together competences within food ingredient manufacture, food structure engineering, sensory science, protein and polysaccharide chemistry, food intake and digestion, animal models, human nutrition, and the physiology and measurement of satiety and energy homeostasis. The aim is to provide a knowledge base enabling food and ingredient producers to predict and document how a given component or process will affect satiety and energy uptake, hence providing consumers with palatable and desirable products designed for satiety management.

até 20 de outubro de 2017.

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Tags: BolsaEditalExterior

Premio México de Ciencia y Tecnología 2016

29/09/2017 17:01

El Premio ha sido concedido anualmente a una persona de reconocido prestigio profesional que haya contribuido de manera significativa al conocimiento científico universal o al avance tecnológico, que su obra científica sea de gran impacto internacional y, muy importante, que haya formado una escuela o recursos humanos significativos, dándose especial atención a que la obra realizada lo haya sido en instituciones localizadas en los países del área, preponderantemente.

até 20 de outubro de 2017.

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Tags: EditalExteriorPrêmio

Postdoctoral fellow, analytical chemistry, specialization mass spectrometry

29/09/2017 16:37

The analytical chemistry program at the Department of Chemistry, Uppsala University is focused on mass spectrometry, both for applications and method development. We are looking for a postdoctoral fellow who will be part of one of our project which focuses on developments and applications of nanospray desorption electrospray ionization (nano-DESI) mass spectrometry and mass spectrometry imaging of small molecules, such as lipids and metabolites.

até 17 de outubro de 2017.

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Postdoctoral Fellowship – Molecular detection of Bt resistance alleles

29/09/2017 16:26

Postdoctoral Fellowships at CSIRO provide opportunities to scientists and engineers, who have completed their doctorate and have less than three years relevant postdoctoral work experience. These fellowships will help launch their careers, provide experience that will enhance their career prospects, and facilitate the recruitment and development of potential leaders for CSIRO.

até 16 de outubro de 2017.

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Tags: BolsaEditalExterior