Nikon Corporation – International Small World Competition 2020

24/03/2020 11:50

Grande área: Biológicas

Objetivo: Nikon’s Small World is regarded as the leading forum for showcasing the beauty and complexity of life as seen through the light microscope. The Photomicrography Competition is open to anyone with an interest in microscopy and photography. The video competition, entitled Small World In Motion encompasses any movie or digital time-lapse photography taken through the microscope.

Inscrições: até 30 de abril de 2020

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExteriorPrêmio

PhD Position in Nuclear and Radiation Physics

24/03/2020 11:44

Grande área: Exatas e da Terra

Objetivo: Within this position, the candidate shall quantify the properties of beams of actinium and radium radioisotopes produced with the isotope separation online (ISOL) technique briefly described above. They will then optimize the target and ion source geometries to maximize the production and extraction of Ac-225.

Inscrições: até 30 de abril de 2020

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

Confap/Euraxess – Research and Innovation Projects through Mobility: MSCA Rise Call 2019

24/03/2020 11:29

Grande área: Engenharias

Objetivo: Short-term exchanges of personnel between academic, industrial and commercial organisations throughout the world. It aims at promoting international and inter-sectoral collaboration through research and innovation staff exchanges. It helps people develop their knowledge, skills and careers, while building links between organisations working in different sectors of the economy, including universities, research institutes and SMEs.

Inscrições: até 28 de abril de 2020

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Tags: Apoio financeiroBolsaExterior

[CHAMADA EMERGENCIAL] FAPESC participa de Chamada Emergencial da União Europeia para o diagnóstico do Coronavírus

21/03/2020 17:00


Proposta:  Instituições brasileiras se associarem à Chamada “Desenvolvimento de terapêutica e diagnóstico para combater infecções por coronavírus”, lançada pela Innovative Medicines Initiative, em conjunto com a União Europeia e a European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA).

Objetivo:  Identificar novos agentes terapêuticos e sistemas de diagnóstico precoces, eficazes e confiáveis relacionados ao novo Coronavírus (SAR-CoV-2).

Data: até 31 de março de 2020

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Tags: BrasilEditalExteriorFAPESC