AAPS – John D. Constable International Traveling Fellowship 2020

27/11/2019 07:09

Objetivo: The fellowship invites an international plastic surgeon to come to the North America under the auspices of the American Association of Plastic Surgeons. The goal is to improve the fellow’s understanding of American plastic surgery and to promote good will and academic interchange among surgeons of the international and American surgical communities. The chosen fellow will be in the North America as an observer for a period of 6-12 weeks under the sponsorship of members of the American Association of Plastic Surgeons.

Inscrições: até 31 de dezembro de 2019

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Center for Philosophy of Science – Senior Visiting Fellowship 2019/2020

18/11/2019 07:34

Objetivo: The Senior Visiting Fellows program invites philosophers of science with seniority in the profession to spend a two-term academic year working in the Center for Philosophy of Science. Senior Fellows work principally on their own research project. Because of their seniority, it is expected that they will informally mentor junior scholars also visiting in the Center.

Inscrições: até 14 de dezembro de 2019

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Grass Fellowship Program at the Marine Biological Laboratory

12/11/2019 07:35

Objetivo: Grass Fellowships at the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA, support investigator-designed, independent research projects by scientists early in their career. Supported approaches include neurophysiology, biophysics, integrative neurobiology, neuroethology, neuroanatomy, neuropharmacology, systems neuroscience, cellular and developmental neurobiology, and computational approaches to neural systems. The Foundation also has a longstanding interest in epilepsy-related research.

Inscrições: até 05 de dezembro de 2019

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Special Committee on Oceanic Research – Visiting Scholars Program 2020

08/11/2019 07:45

Objetivo: SCOR began a program in 2009 to enlist the services of ocean scientists, from both developed countries and developing countries, to teach short courses and to provide more extended on-site education and mentorship at developing country institutions. This program is open to any scientists who have time available to spend teaching and mentoring in a developing country for two weeks or more. The scholarships are not intended to conduct joint research, although such research may develop as an outcome of a visit.

Inscrições: até 01 de dezembro de 2019

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JCBL – Research Fellowship: Short-Term Fellowships 2020

07/11/2019 07:26

Objetivo: Sponsorship of research at the John Carter Brown Library is reserved exclusively for scholars whose work is centered on the colonial history of the Americas, North and South, including all aspects of European, African, and Native American engagements in global and comparative contexts. Short-term fellowships are open to individuals who are engaged in pre- and post-doctoral, or independent research, regardless of nationality.

Inscrições: até 01 de dezembro de 2019

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Arvo – Developing Country Eye Researcher Travel Fellowships (DCERF) 2020

06/11/2019 07:19

Objetivo: The Developing Country Eye Researcher Travel Fellowship (DCERF) program brings aspiring scientists from developing nations to the ARVO Annual Meeting. The goal of the program is to provide young researchers with access to the latest in vision science while offering the opportunity to network with colleagues, mentors and thought leaders to develop an effective vision research program in their home countries.

Inscrições: até 01 de dezembro de 2019

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Chamada Pública FAPESC nº14/2019 – até 08 de novembro de 2019

05/11/2019 18:04

Programa de apoio à consolidação de núcleos de inovação tecnológica de instituições de pesquisa científica e tecnológica no Estado de Santa Catarina.

Objetivo: Apoiar propostas com o objetivo de implementação, manutenção e consolidação de NITs e da Rede Catarinense de NITs pelas ICTs Catarinenses, assim como a capacitação das equipes, atividades de pesquisa e macro ações que levem à realização, aprimoramento, desenvolvimento e difusão de boas práticas dos NITs, bem como buscando orientar, assessorar, apoiar e gerir atividades direcionadas ao processo de consolidação da cultura da inovação por meio da prospecção tecnológica, proteção intelectual, propriedade intelectual(PI), empreendedorismo, transferência de tecnologia e gestão dos ativos tecnológicos e do capital intelectual junto às ICTs para o desenvolvimento do ecossistema de inovação e pesquisa aplicada do Estado de Santa Catarina.

Inscrições: até 08 de novembro de 2019

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Tags: Apoio financeiroBolsaBrasilFAPESC