Brazilian Pharma Solutions – Edital Mapeamento de Inovação

27/03/2018 16:21

Objetivo: O programa Brazilian Pharma Solutions (BPS) está mapeando organizações (empresas, startups e projetos) brasileiras interessadas em atração de investimentos e parcerias internacionais. Após o levantamento, o programa BPS selecionará 30 organizações com potencial inovador promissor, a fim de promover uma aproximação com investimentos internacionais, dentro das seguintes áreas-chave: Biotecnologia (Saúde Humana e Animal); Equipamentos Médicos; Farmacêutico (Saúde Humana e Animal); IFAs (Moléculas Biológicas e Químicas); Nutrição (Saúde Animal); Saúde Digital.

Inscrições: até 17 de abril de 2018


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Tags: Apoio financeiroBrasilEdital

EMDR Research Foundation – Research Consultation Awards

27/03/2018 15:35

Objetivo: To help fund clinicians, post-doctoral students, or university faculty interested in conducting research on EMDR and disseminating findings to the practice and scientific communities. The purpose of this award is to facilitate access to the expertise needed in order to advance the development of an EMDR research project, to support the completion of a project, or the writing of an article for publication in a professional journal.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

Pulitzer Center – Main Travel Grants Program 2016

26/03/2018 09:58

Objetivo: To provide travel grants to cover hard costs associated with upcoming travel for an international reporting project. The goal is to facilitate reporting from outside the United States. We encourage grantees from diverse backgrounds to apply. Pulitzer Center supports projects across all media platforms and encourage ones that combine print, photography, radio, and video.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

TÜBITAK – Fellowships for Visiting Scientists and Scientists on Sabbatical Leave

26/03/2018 09:53

Objetivo: To grant fellowships for international scientists/researchers who would like to conduct R&D activities or teaching graduate/undergraduate courses, etc., in Turkey in the fields of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technological Sciences, Medical Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities. The program aims to promote Turkey’s scientific and technological collaboration with countries of the prospective fellows.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

Wenner-Gren Foundation – Conference and Workshop Grants

22/03/2018 09:55

Objetivo: To support Conference and Workshop in the fiel of Anthropology. Grants are for amounts up to $20,000. In accordance with the mission of the Foundation, priority is given to events that foster the creation of an international community of research scholars in anthropology and advance significant and innovative anthropological research.

Inscrições: todos os anos, até 01 de junho e 01 de dezembro

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

International Union of Pure and Aplied Physics – Conference Sponsorship 2019

20/03/2018 15:21

Objetivo: To support, through its funds, conferences and meetings of the International Commissions. IUPAP Sponsorship is granted to conferences in the final quarter of the year before the year of the conference, and may or may not include limited financial support of the conference.

Inscrições: até 01 de junho de 2018

Mais informações no site.

Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior