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IERF – Sepmeyer Research Grant Program

18/05/2018 11:36

Objetivo: The purpose of the research grant program is to aid IERF in carrying out this mission. Therefore, IERF invites individuals and organizations to submit appropriate research project proposals for funding. Research grants are awarded for research only and not for study.

Inscrições: até 15 de agosto de 2018

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ICTP – Grants for Visiting Scholars/Consultants to Institutes in Developing Countries

17/05/2018 15:40

Objetivo: The Visiting Scholar/Consultant Programme provides assistance to Institutes or research groups in a developing country requiring expert advice to enhance existing activities or to initiate a new research programme. The objective of the programme is to establish a permanent link between an outside expert in a particular field of physics or mathematics and the applying Institute on a long-term basis.

Inscrições: todos os anos, até 31 de maio30 de novembro

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FAO – Technical Cooperation Programme

17/05/2018 15:22

Objetivo: The Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) was created to enable FAO to make its know-how and technical expertise available to member countries upon request, drawing from its own resources. The TCP provides assistance in all areas pertaining to FAO’s mandate and competence that are covered by the Strategic Framework to respond to governments’ priority needs.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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Experimental Psychology Society – Study Visit Grants

16/05/2018 14:53

Objetivo: To help finance postgraduate and postdoctoral research in experimental psychology. The purpose of the visit is to develop the applicant’s research skills, and may involve learning at first hand about experimental procedures employed in the host laboratory, or designing and running studies that cannot already be carried out in the applicant’s home department.

Inscrições: até 01 de setembro de 2018

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IRP – Reporting Fellowships on Global Religion Issues 2017

15/05/2018 15:01

Objetivo: The International Reporting Project is accepting applications from professional journalists to report on global religion issues. Some of the areas on which proposals might focus include the relationship of religion to: conflict and peace; environment and sustainability; political economy and development; health and education; gender, race and sexuality; law and human rights; social movements; migration; humanitarianism.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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EMDR – Research Dissemination Travel Award

15/05/2018 14:56

Objetivo: To invest in the development and dissemination of high quality research to inform, strengthen and expand the understanding and effective use of EMDRs, to ensure the development of a comprehensive understanding of the range of effectiveness of EMDR therapy so that mental health professionals and the public are well informed and able to make the best decisions regarding evidence-based treatment options, an to enhance the quality of life for people everywhere by facilitating healing, health and well-being.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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UFAW – Small Project and Travel Awards

15/05/2018 14:55

Objetivo: Through its Small Projects and Travel Awards (up to £3,500), UFAW supports a variety of activities for the benefit of animal welfare. Applications may be made for the purchase of equipment, for the organisation of (and, sometimes, to support attendance at) educational meetings, lectures and courses, and for publication, translation or transmission of information on animal welfare and for other small projects in support of UFAW’s objectives.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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Alpha-1 Foundation – In-Cycle Research Grants: Travel Grants

14/05/2018 11:48

Objetivo: To provide funds to support travel to attend a scientific conference or meeting to present AAT-related abstracts or posters at national and international meetings. Candidates must have an M.D., Ph.D. or equivalent degree, and at least one year of recent research experience related to AAT Deficiency.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior
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