ARRS – Lee F. Rogers International Fellowship in Radiology Journalism 2019

11/07/2018 12:09

Objetivo: ARRS offers an annual fellowship in radiology journalism for radiologists practicing outside the U.S. and Canada. The purpose of this award is to stimulate bright, promising radiologists to continue with an academic career, enhance their credentials, and stimulate interest in good radiology journalism and to improve the quality of radiology journals by teaching the fundamentals of medical journalism, train manuscript reviewers and future editors, and provide core teachers of medical journalism in radiology departments around the world.

Inscrições: até 08 de outubro de 2018

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American Association of Anatomists – Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 2018

10/07/2018 13:28

Objetivo: The Postdoctoral Fellowship is intended to provide salary support to an AAA member who is a postdoctoral trainee working in any aspect of biology relevant to the anatomical sciences. AAA will provide $20,000, plus travel support and registration fee (at early registration rate) to the next appropriate AAA Annual Meeting. The postdoc’s laboratory must supplement this stipend with funds that equal or exceed the NIH standard salary support for postdoctoral fellows.In addition, the laboratory must provide funds for health insurance for the postdoctoral fellow.

Inscrições: até 02 de outubro de 2018

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Vermont Studio Center – Residency Fellowships 2018

10/07/2018 13:25

Objetivo: Each month, VSC welcomes over 50 artists and writers from across the country around the world to our historic campus in northern Vermont. Our fellowship offerings change at each deadline. Admission is competitive and based on review of portfolio or manuscript.

Inscrições: todos os anos, até 01 de outubro, 15 de fevereiro e 15 de junho

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Harry S. Truman Library and Museum – Research Grants 2018

10/07/2018 13:19

Objetivo: Research Grants of up to $2,500 are awarded twice annually to offset the cost of conducting research at the Harry S. Truman Library and Museum. Funding is calculated on the following basis: 1) $75 for any night spent in Independence, Missouri to cover lodging and meals; 2) airfare based on the best advance-coach fare available; 3) $100 allowance for photocopying (ground transportation, including rental car fees, will not be reimbursed).

Inscrições: até 01 de outubro de 2018

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ERS – Short-Term Research Training Fellowships (STRTF) 2018

09/07/2018 12:42

Objetivo: Short-Term Research Fellowships are established to enable young scientists and clinicians in the early-stages of their research career in respiratory medicine to visit a Host Unit in a country other than the candidate’s own, with the aim of learning a research technique not available in the Home Unit. The research training should benefit the Home Unit when the applicant returns there, by leading to research developments and activities back onsite.

Inscrições: até 01 de outubro de 2018

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ERS – Clinical Training Fellowship 2017

09/07/2018 12:41

Objetivo: ERS Clinical Training Fellowships enable members in the early stages of their careers in respiratory medicine to visit a host institution in a European country other than their own to learn a skill or procedure not available at their home institution. This medical training should benefit the home institution when the successful applicant returns there.

Inscrições: até 01 de outubro de 2018

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Dumbarton Oaks – One-Month Research Stipends

09/07/2018 12:38

Objetivo: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection offers One-Month Research Awards of $3,000 to scholars holding the PhD or other relevant terminal degree (e.g., MLA for Garden and Landscape studies applicants) and working on research projects in Byzantine studies, Pre-Columbian studies, Garden and Landscape studies, or related fields.

Inscrições: todos os anos, até 01 de outubro e 01 de março

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NIH – Ancillary Studies to Major

06/07/2018 10:27

Objetivo: This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) seeks to accelerate the pace and expand the breadth of scientific research on the clinical course, prevention and treatment of diseases within NIDDK’s mission by leveraging ongoing large, multi-center clinical research studies through ancillary studies.  This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites research project applications to conduct ancillary studies to major ongoing clinical research studies, including clinical trials and prospective observational studies.

Inscrições: até 05 de outubro de 2018

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior