Fellowships – Visiting Professors

24/10/2021 17:00

Grande áreaAgrárias / Biológicas / Saúde / Exatas e da Terra / Humanas / Sociais Aplicadas / Engenharias / Linguística, Letras e Artes / Outras

Tipo de oportunidade: Bolsa

Objetivo: Visits are for two months to a year during the Academic Year at the Technion. The monthly salaries are (a minimum of) U.S. $2,400 (professor) and U.S. $2,000 (associate professor). The monthly housing allowance is US $100. Payments are made in Israeli Shekels and linked to the representative rate of exchange. Visitors are entitled to one airline ticket (Apex or similar kind of ticket) for a direct flight from their home town to Israel and back. Israel has double-taxation agreements with the U.S., Canada, G.B., Austria, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Holland, Finland, France, Singapore and the Scandinavian countries, avoiding double taxation. Citizens of other countries pay minimal taxes on their salary.

Inscrições: todos os anos, até 30 de novembro

Local: Israel

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