American Library in Paris – Visiting Fellowship 2019

25/01/2019 08:12

Objetivo: The fellowship offers writers and researchers an opportunity to pursue a creative project in Paris for a month or longer while participating actively in the life of the American Library. Applicants should be working on a book project, fiction or non-fiction, or a feature-length documentary film, that contributes to cross-cultural discourse.

Inscrições: até 15 de fevereiro de 2019

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Anita Borg Institute – Social Impact Award 2019

24/01/2019 08:19

Objetivo: The Social Impact Abie Award recognizes a woman whose work is making a positive impact on women, technology and society. Nominees may have developed technology that caused social change or empowered women and increased their influence.

Inscrições: até 13 de fevereiro de 2019

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Curso de difusão “Bibliometria: Teoria e Prática”

22/01/2019 08:07

Objetivo: Difundir os conhecimentos sobre a aplicação do método bibliométrico, técnica bastante difundida para realização da pesquisa acadêmica, sendo utilizados em aula os softwares VosViewer e Ucinet. Além de uma introdução teórica, o curso enfatiza a prática através das etapas para realizar uma análise bibliométrica: (i) processo de amostragem e busca nas bases científicas, (ii) extração de dados e arquivamento e (iii) análises descritivas e de redes sociais.

Data: 11 de fevereiro de 2019

Inscrições: até 04 de fevereiro de 2019

Local: São Paulo, SP, Brasil.

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Tags: Brasil

Spencer Foundation – Small Research Grants 2019

21/01/2019 08:02

Objetivo: The Small Research Grants program aims to support smaller scale or pilot research projects that have budgets of $50,000 or less. Proposals are encouraged from scholars across a variety of disciplines in an effort to fund field-initiated education research.

Inscrições: até 01 de fevereiro de 2019

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Kellogg-Morgan Stanley Sustainable Investing Challenge 2019

18/01/2019 08:15

Objetivo: The Kellogg-Morgan Stanley Sustainable Investing Challenge is looking for innovative investment ideas that balance the tension between financial and social return rather than sacrifice either priority. There is no limitation on asset class or investment vehicle and teams are encouraged to think creatively. The focus is on investment vehicles and fund strategies versus companies.

Inscrições: até 01 de fevereiro de 2019

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University of Giessen – Doctoral Scholarships 2019

18/01/2019 08:11

Objetivo: Giessen University’s International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC), co-funded from 2006-2019 by the German federal government’s Excellence Initiative, offers a three-year, structured PhD-programme in the study of culture.

Inscrições: até 01 de fevereiro de 2019

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IEEE History Center: The IEEE Fellowship in the History of Electrical and Computing Technology 2019

18/01/2019 08:01

Objetivo: The IEEE Life Member History Fellowship supports one year of full-time graduate work or one year of post-doctoral research for a scholar in this field who has received his or her Ph.D. within the past four years in the history of IEEE’s designated fields.

Inscrições: até 01 de fevereiro de 2019

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HFG – Dissertation Fellowships 2018

17/01/2019 08:40

Objetivo: These fellowships of $20,000 each are designed to contribute to the support of the doctoral candidate to enable him or her to complete the thesis in a timely manner and are only appropriate for students approaching the final year of their Ph.D. work. Questions that interest the foundation concern violence and aggression in relation to social change, intergroup conflict, war, terrorism, crime, and family relationships, among other subjects

Inscrições: até 01 de fevereiro de 2019

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DRCLAS – Visiting Scholars Program 2019/2020

16/01/2019 09:45

Objetivo: Each year the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies (DRCLAS) selects a number of distinguished academics (Visiting Scholars) and professionals (Fellows) who wish spend one or two semesters at Harvard working on their own research and writing projects.

Inscrições: até 01 de fevereiro de 2019

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XXXII Congreso Internacional ALAS Perú 2019

15/01/2019 08:31

Objetivo: Convocamos a la comunidad sociológica y de las ciencias sociales de América Latina, el Caribe y el mundo al diálogo y debate sobre la crisis del sistema-mundo moderno/colonial buscando construir un nuevo horizonte de civilización de vida en la unidad humanos-naturaleza, persona-vida social, ciencia-vida, estética-vida, ética-vida.

Tema: Hacia un Nuevo Horizonte de Sentido Histórico de una Civilización de Vida.

Data: 01 a 06 de dezembro de 2019

Envio de resumos: até 31 de janeiro de 2019

Local: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru

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