TAU – Dan David Prize 2018

27/10/2017 15:21

The Dan David Prize is an international prize which annually awards three prizes of US$ 1 million each for achievements having an outstanding scientific, technological, cultural or social impact on our world. Each year fields are chosen within the three Time Dimensions – Past, Present and Future.

até dia 30 de novembro de 2017.

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Gerda Henkel Foundation – Research Scholarship

26/10/2017 16:32

Applications for research scholarships can be made directly by Postdocs or scholars with Post Doctoral Lecture Qualification. A research scholarship is usually applied for by one scholar who will work on a specific project on his own.

até dia 17 de novembro de 2017.

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Tags: EditalExterior

Attracting Outstanding Young Researches From Abroad

26/10/2017 16:12

The ATTRACT programme is designed for researchers not yet established in Luxembourg, who demonstrate the potential to become leaders in their field of research. The scheme offers promising junior researchers the opportunity to set up their own research team within one of the country’s research institutions.

até dia 15 de novembro de 2017.

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Tags: EditalExterior

TWAS/Unesco – Associateship Scheme at Centres of Excellence in the South 2018

26/10/2017 15:58

TWAS has instituted a Joint Associateship Scheme to enable competent researchers from the South to visit these centres regularly. TWAS provides travel support for the associates and a contribution towards subsistence costs while living expenses are covered by the host centres.

até dia 01 de dezembro de 2017.

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6º Prêmio Fecomercio de Sustentabilidade

26/10/2017 15:52

Estimular a sociedade brasileira nas ações voltadas para o equilíbrio do planeta, levando em consideração a inovação e os 17 Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS), da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU).

até dia 20 de novembro de 2017.

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Tags: BrasilEditalPrêmio

The Newberry Library – Long-Term Fellowships 2018/2019

25/10/2017 16:16

Objetivo: Long-Term Fellowships are intended to support individual scholarly research and promote serious intellectual exchange through active participation in the Newberry’s scholarly activities, including Fellows’ Seminars and Weekly Colloquium.

Inscrições: até 15 de novembro de 2017

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Earth Institute – Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Earth and Environmental Sciences 2018/2019

25/10/2017 16:05

Objetivo: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University invites applications for Postdoctoral Fellowships in the fields of Earth and environmental sciences. Candidates should have recently completed their Ph.D. or should expect to complete their degree requirements by September 2018.

Inscrições: até 13 de novembro de 2017

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Gerda Henkel Foundation – Research Projects

25/10/2017 15:33

Objetivo: The grants for research projects involve, depending on the type of project, the assumption of costs for personnel, travel, materials and/or other costs. For projects that are conducted by one scholar alone, a research scholarship has to be applied for.

Inscrições: até 17 de novembro de 2017

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Library of Congress – Kluge Fellowships in Digital Studies

24/10/2017 17:20

The John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress announces a new Kluge Fellowship in Digital Studies to examine the impact of the digital revolution on society, culture and international relations using the Library’s collections and resources.

até dia 06 de dezembro de 2017.

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Edital de Seleção para Mestrado e Doutorado com Início em 2018.1

24/10/2017 17:16

A Coordenação do Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Química da Universidade Federal de Santa de Catarina, no uso de suas atribuições legais, torna público o Edital de Processo Seletivo para o preenchimento das vagas dos cursos de Mestrado e de Doutorado na Área de Concentração de Desenvolvimento de Processos Químicos e Biotecnológicos. O Programa oferece 20 (vinte) vagas para o Mestrado e 23 (vinte e três) vagas para Doutorado para ingresso em 2018.1.

até dia 12 de novembro de 2017.

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Tags: BrasilEdital