Luxembourg National Research Fund – Industrial Fellowships 2018

28/02/2018 10:40

Objetivo: To foster the cooperation between Luxembourg based companies active in R&D and public research institutions in Luxembourg and/or abroad. The scheme awards PhD and Postdoc grants to researchers who carry out their PhD and/or postdoc training in collaboration with a company in Luxembourg.

Inscrições: até 20 de abril de 2018

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International Commission for Optics – Prize 2018

27/02/2018 15:25

Objetivo: To prize an individual who has made a noteworthy contribution to optics, published submitted for publication before he or she has reached the age of 40. The character of the work of successive Prize recipients should preferably alternate between predominantly experimental or technological and predominantly theoretical. The “noteworthy” contribution in optics is measured chiefly by its impact (past or possibly future) on the field of optics generally, opening a subfield or significantly expanding an established subfield in research or technology.

Inscrições: até 15 de abril de 2018

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FC – Programa de Mobilidade de Professores e Investigadores Brasil-Espanha 2018/2019

26/02/2018 10:18

Objetivo: Ofertar bolsas de mobilidade para professores universitários, pesquisadores e estudantes de pós-graduação em fase de pesquisa, de nacionalidade brasileira ou espanhola. As bolsas têm como objetivo promover a cooperação cultural e científica entre Brasil e Espanha.

Inscrições: até 07 de abril de 2018

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Shot – Brooke Hindle Postdoctoral Fellowship in the History of Technology 2018

26/02/2018 09:48

Objetivo: To fund any purpose connected with research or writing in the history of technology for a period of not less than three months during the year following the award. The proposal must be in a field related to the history of technology. Applicants should be intending either to prepare a dissertation for publication as articles or as a monograph, or to develop a new project based on primary research.

Inscrições: até 01 de abril de 2018

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Wellcome Trust – Collaborative Awards in Science 2018

22/02/2018 08:04

Objetivo: Collaborative Awards promote the development of new ideas and speed the pace of discovery. We fund teams of researchers, consisting of independent research groups, to work together on the most important scientific problems that can only be solved through collaborative efforts.

Inscrições: até 24 de abril de 2018

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Geneva Challenge 2018

21/02/2018 08:05

Objetivo: The idea is to gather contributions that are both theoretically grounded and offer pragmatic solutions to a relevant international development problem stemming from an interdisciplinary collaboration between 3 to 5 enrolled master students from anywhere in the world.

Inscrições: até 16 de abril de 2018

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