Objetivo: To recognize outstanding research in theoretical statistical physics including the quantum fluids. The prize consists of $10,000 as well as a certificate citing the contribution made by the recipient.
Inscrições: até 01 de junho de 2018
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Objetivo: To recognize a most outstanding contribution to physics. The prize consists of $10,000, a certificate citing the contributions made by the recipient, plus expenses for the three lectures by the recipient given at an APS meeting, a research university, and a predominantly undergraduate institution. The prize will be presented annually.
Inscrições: até 01 de junho de 2018
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Objetivo: The award consists of $3,000, a certificate citing the contributions of the recipient, plus $2,000 travel expenses for lectures given by the recipient at an APS meeting and at two or more educational institutions or research laboratories in the year following the award. The lectures should be especially aimed at physicists early in their careers.
Inscrições: até 01 de junho de 2018
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Objetivo: To recognize outstanding contributions to the public understanding or resolution of issues involving the interface of physics and society. The award consists of $3,000, a certificate citing the contributions of the recipient, and an allowance for travel to the meeting of the Society at which the award is presented.
Inscrições: durante todo o ano
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Objetivo: To honor and recognize the dedication of physicists who have made contributions to the development of physics in countries of the third world. The award will consist of a stipend of $2,000 and a certificate citing the contributions made by the recipient.
Inscrições: até 01 de junho de 2018
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Objetivo: To recognize a particular recent outstanding achievement in plasma physics research. The award consists of $5,000 to be divided equally in the case of multiple recipients, and includes a certificate citing the contributions made by the recipient or recipients, to be presented at an award ceremony at the Division of Plasma Physics Annual Meeting Banquet.
Inscrições: até 01 de junho de 2018
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Objetivo: Ofertar bolsas para apoiar aluno formalmente matriculado em curso de doutorado no Brasil, que necessite complementar a sua formação participando de ações de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação em empresa no país. As bolsas têm duração de 3 a 6 meses e cobrem: mensalidades, conforme tabela de valores de bolsas no país (RN-015/2013) e passagem de ida e volta, em trecho nacional, quando a distância for superior a 350 km (trezentos e cinqüenta quilômetros).
Inscrições: até 01 de junho de 2018
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Objetivo: To recognize and encourage outstanding achievement in particle theory. The prize consists of $10,000, an allowance for travel to the meeting of the Society at which the prize is to be awarded, and a certificate citing the contributions made by the recipient.
Inscrições: até 01 de junho de 2018
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Objetivo: Ofertar bolsas de estudo para apoiar aluno formalmente matriculado em curso de doutorado no Brasil que comprove qualificação inequívoca para usufruir, no exterior, da oportunidade de aprofundamento teórico, coleta e tratamento de dados ou de desenvolvimento parcial da parte experimental da tese a ser defendida no Brasil. As bolsas têm duração de 3 a 12 meses e cobrem: mensalidade; auxílio instalação; seguro saúde; auxílio deslocamento, destinado à aquisição de passagem aérea de ida e volta.
Inscrições: até 01 de junho de 2018
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Objetivo: To recognize and encourage outstanding achievement in particle theory. The prize consists of $10,000, an allowance for travel to the meeting of the Society at which the prize is to be awarded, and a certificate citing the contributions made by the recipient.
Inscrições: até 01 de junho de 2018
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