Edital Fapesc nº07/2017 – Proeventos 2018/2019

18/04/2018 11:40

Objetivo: Fomentar a organização e a realização de eventos científicos, tecnológicos e/ou de inovação, coordenados por pesquisadores vinculados a Instituições de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação, ICTIs, de Santa Catarina, contribuindo para a difusão e divulgação da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação – CTI, deste Estado.

Inscrições: Fase II até 26 de abril e Fase III até 19 de julho de 2018

Esclarecimentos e informações adicionais sobre esta Chamada podem ser obtidos junto à FAPESC pelo email proeventos@fapesc.sc.gov.br

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Tags: Apoio financeiroBrasilEditalFAPESC

Braskem – Programa de Patrocínios 2017

13/04/2018 11:46

Objetivo: Apoiar financeiramente projetos com foco em inovação e geração de conhecimento, Cultura, Esporte, Plástico, Química e Sustentabilidade, Técnico e Comercial, Desenvolvimento Econômico, Social, Meio Ambiente.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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Tags: Apoio financeiroBrasilEdital

2018 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Postgraduate Research in Microelectronics and Electronics

13/04/2018 11:33

Objetivo: To provide opportunity for postgraduate students (Masters and PhD) to present their research work and to interact with scientists and engineers in the research community and industry. The APCCAS is a major international forum established by the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society for researchers to exchange their latest findings in circuits and systems.

Inscrições: até 25 de junho de 2018

Data: 26 a 30 de outubro de 2018

Local: Shangri-La Hotel – Chengdu, China

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Tags: Exterior

BBVA – Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards 2018

12/04/2018 11:39

Objetivo: To recognize fundamental contributions in a broad array of areas of scientific knowledge, technology, humanities and artistic creation.

Inscrições: até 23 de junho de 2018

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio

Global Innovation Fund – GIF Funds

12/04/2018 11:25

Objetivo: To fund innovations with strong potential for social impact at a large scale. We define ‘innovation’ broadly to include new business models, policy practices, technologies, behavioural insights, or ways of delivering products and services that benefit the poor in developing countries — any solution that has potential to address an important development problem more effectively than existing approaches.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

CBD – Midori Prize for Biodiversity 2018

10/04/2018 16:01

Objetivo: The MIDORI Prize honors three individuals who have made outstanding contributions to conservation and sustainable use at local and global levels, and who have influenced and strengthened various biodiversity-related efforts, as well as raised awareness about biodiversity.

Inscrições: até 15 de junho de 2018

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio

International Conference On Biomedical & Health Informatics

09/04/2018 11:54

Objetivo: To reunite scientists and research professionals in the field of science and technical engineering.  This conference involves the practice of information processing, about engineering of information systems, and in academic field.

Inscrições: até 17 de junho de 2018 (submissões)

Data: 16 e 17 de julho de 2018

Local: Las Vegas – Nevada, US

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Tags: Exterior

10th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science

09/04/2018 11:26

Objetivo: CloudCom is the premier conference on Cloud Computing worldwide, attracting researchers, developers, users, students and practitioners from the fields of big data, systems architecture, services research, virtualization, security and privacy, high performance computing, always with an emphasis on how to build cloud computing platforms with real impact. The conference is co-sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), is steered by the Cloud Computing Association, and draws on the excellence of its world-class Program Committee and its participants.

Inscrições: até 15 de junho de 2018 (submissões)

Data: 10 a 13 de dezembro de 2018

Local: Hilton Cyprus – Nicosia, Chipre

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