Holohil – Grant Program

12/12/2018 08:42

Objetivo: We have donated transmitters and services predominately for bat and raptor research in the past. While we still have a strong commitment to these two groups of animals, we wish to extend our support to other species that have not previously been included.  To this end, we wish to extend our support to research projects that are of high value for their species, have a sound research design, and have a positive conservation intention. We are proud to introduce our new Holohil Grant Program which aims to offer Holohil transmitters at a reduced (or no) cost to projects deserving of support.

Inscrições:  15 de janeiro, 15 de abril, 15 de julho e 15 de outubro

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ISN/CAEN – Support for the Implementation of Scientific/Educational Workshops and Small Schools

26/11/2018 08:41

Objetivo: Category 2C Grants provide funds towards implementing scientific/educational workshops or small schools in a developing country. It is expected that a significant portion of the funds will be used to towards supporting students and student activities. Applicant(s) will be the principal organizers of the workshop/school.

Inscrições: 31 de dezembro, 30 de abril e 31 de agosto, todos os anos

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

ISN/CAEN – Research Award Category 1A: Visit by the Applicant to Another Laboratory 2018

26/11/2018 08:41

Objetivo: Category 1A provides funds (up to $4,000 US dollars) to allow the applicant to visit a laboratory abroad to learn or develop new technical or conceptual expertise for implementation in the applicant’s research program (and possibly their home institute’s) upon return to the home institution. Support may be applied ONLY to travel (transport), accommodation and insurance. It is expected that funds for laboratory expenses will be provided by the host laboratory.

Inscrições: 31 de dezembro, 30 de abril e 31 de agosto, todos os anos

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

RGS – Thesiger Oman International Fellowship

23/10/2018 10:09

Objetivo: By the kind generosity of His Majesty Qaboos bin Said al Said, Sultan of Oman, the Society offers two annual Fellowships as a memorial to Sir Wilfred Thesiger. The Thesiger-Oman International Fellowships offer awards of £8,000 to post-doctoral researchers with an outstanding research proposal involving fieldwork in an arid or semi-arid environment.

Inscrições: todos os anos, até 23 de novembro

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

ASEH – Hal Rothman Dissertation Fellowship 2019

16/10/2018 09:49

Objetivo: The Hal Rothman Research Fellowship was created to recognize graduate student achievements in environmental history. The fellowship provides a single payment of $1,000 for Ph.D. graduate student research and travel in the field of environmental history, without geographical restriction. The funds must be used to support archival research and travel during 2019.

Inscrições: até 16 de novembro de 2018

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VI Seminário de Educação Ambiental do NEAmb

21/09/2018 14:44

Objetivo: Em busca de promover a discussão acerca do tema “Água e Bens Comuns”, o Núcleo de Educação Ambiental da UFSC convida a todos e todas a participarem do seu 6º Seminário de Educação Ambiental – “A Água é nossa mãe!”

Inscrições: até 27 de setembro de 2018

Data: 27 de setembro de 2018

Local: Auditório Eng. de Produção – UFSC Campus Trindade – Florianópolis, SC

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Tags: Brasil