Objetivo: The Hereditary Disease Foundation provides funding for research that advances the discovery and development of treatments for Huntington’s disease and other brain disorders.
Inscrições: todos os anos, até 01 de fevereiro
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Objetivo: The Harvey W. Wiley Award is presented to a scientist (or group of scientists) who have made an outstanding contribution to analytical method development in an area of interest to AOAC INTERNATIONAL.
Inscrições: todos os anos, até 31 de janeiro
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Objetivo: The Scientific Progress Immunoglobulins in Neurology (SPIN) Award Program was launched in 2008 to support research into the use of immunoglobulins in neurology.
Inscrições: até 31 de janeiro de 2019
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Objetivo: These grants are for researchers who want to establish or maintain resources or technology for the benefit of the wider scientific community.
Inscrições: até 15 de janeiro de 2019
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Objetivo: Category 2C Grants provide funds towards implementing scientific/educational workshops or small schools in a developing country. It is expected that a significant portion of the funds will be used to towards supporting students and student activities. Applicant(s) will be the principal organizers of the workshop/school.
Inscrições: 31 de dezembro, 30 de abril e 31 de agosto, todos os anos
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Objetivo: Category 1A provides funds (up to $4,000 US dollars) to allow the applicant to visit a laboratory abroad to learn or develop new technical or conceptual expertise for implementation in the applicant’s research program (and possibly their home institute’s) upon return to the home institution. Support may be applied ONLY to travel (transport), accommodation and insurance. It is expected that funds for laboratory expenses will be provided by the host laboratory.
Inscrições: 31 de dezembro, 30 de abril e 31 de agosto, todos os anos
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