Grande área: Agrárias / Biológicas / Saúde / Exatas e da Terra / Humanas / Sociais Aplicadas / Engenharias / Linguística, Letras e Artes / Outras
Tipo de oportunidade: Pós-graduação
Objetivo: Fellowships for Graduate Studies are available to students from abroad. The Fellowship includes a monthly stipend ranging from $750 (for M.Sc. students) to $1000 (for Ph.D. students) and one return ticket (tourist class) from their home town to Israel and back. Payments are made in Israeli Shekels and linked to the representative rate of exchange Graduate fellowships are granted initially for one semester or one year with the possibility of extension, for the duration of degree requirements, subject to the necessary recommendations.
Inscrições: todos os anos, até 30 de novembro
Local: Israel
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Grande área: Agrárias / Biológicas / Saúde / Exatas e da Terra / Humanas / Sociais Aplicadas / Engenharias / Linguística, Letras e Artes / Outras
Tipo de oportunidade: Apoio Financeiro
Objetivo: Convidar Empresas, ICTs e Entidades do Terceiro Setor, sediadas em Santa Catarina, por meio de um colaborador, pertencente ao seu quadro funcional, a apresentarem propostas de projeto em PDI, contendo inovação radical ou incremental, por meio de inovação em produtos, em processos, organizacional, em design, em marketing e em modelo de negócios, que visem o aumento da competitividade e o desenvolvimento social, econômico, científico e tecnológico do Estado de Santa Catarina
Inscrições: durante todo o ano
Local: Brasil
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Apoio financeiroBrasilFAPESC
Grande área: Agrárias / Biológicas / Saúde / Exatas e da Terra / Humanas / Sociais Aplicadas / Engenharias / Linguística, Letras e Artes / Outras
Tipo de oportunidade: Apoio Financeiro
Objetivo: The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), as amended by the Brownfields Utilization, Investment, and Local Development (BUILD) Act (P.L. 115-141), requires the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to publish guidance for grants to assess and clean up brownfield sites. EPA’s Brownfields Program provides funds to empower states, communities, tribes, and nonprofit organizations to prevent, inventory, assess, clean up, and reuse brownfield sites. This guide provides information on applying for Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Grants.
Inscrições: até 01 de dezembro de 2021
Local: Exterior
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Apoio financeiroExterior
Grande área: Agrárias / Biológicas
Tipo de oportunidade: Apoio Financeiro
Objetivo: The Environment Protection Agency in the environment sector is offering a public funding opportunity titled “Environmental Education Local Grants Program for Region 2 — Solicitation Notice for 2021” and is now available to receive applicants. The purpose of the Environmental Education Local Grants Program in Region 2 is to support locally focused environmental education projects that increase public awareness and knowledge about environmental issues and provide the skills that participants in its funded projects need to make informed decisions and take responsible actions toward the environment.
Inscrições: até 06 de dezembro de 2021
Local: Exterior
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Apoio financeiroExterior
Grande área: Agrárias / Biológicas
Tipo de oportunidade: Apoio Financeiro
Objetivo: The purpose of the Environmental Education Local Grants Program in Region 3 is to support locally focused environmental education projects that increase public awareness and knowledge about environmental issues and provide the skills that participants in its funded projects need to make informed decisions and take responsible actions toward the environment. The Environment Protection Agency in the environment sector is offering a public funding opportunity titled “Environmental Education Local Grants Program for Region 3 — Solicitation Notice for 2021” and is now available to receive applicants.
Inscrições: até 06 de dezembro de 2021
Local: Exterior
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Apoio financeiroExterior
Grande área: Agrárias / Biológicas / Saúde / Exatas e da Terra / Humanas / Sociais Aplicadas / Engenharias / Linguística, Letras e Artes / Outras
Tipo de oportunidade: Bolsa
Objetivo: Visits are for two months to a year during the Academic Year at the Technion. The monthly salaries are (a minimum of) U.S. $2,400 (professor) and U.S. $2,000 (associate professor). The monthly housing allowance is US $100. Payments are made in Israeli Shekels and linked to the representative rate of exchange. Visitors are entitled to one airline ticket (Apex or similar kind of ticket) for a direct flight from their home town to Israel and back. Israel has double-taxation agreements with the U.S., Canada, G.B., Austria, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Holland, Finland, France, Singapore and the Scandinavian countries, avoiding double taxation. Citizens of other countries pay minimal taxes on their salary.
Inscrições: todos os anos, até 30 de novembro
Local: Israel
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Grande área: Agrárias / Biológicas / Saúde / Exatas e da Terra / Humanas / Sociais Aplicadas / Engenharias / Linguística, Letras e Artes / Outras
Tipo de oportunidade: Bolsa
Objetivo: Fellowships for Graduate Studies are available to students from abroad. The Fellowship includes a monthly stipend ranging from $750 (for M.Sc. students) to $1000 (for Ph.D. students) and one return ticket (tourist class) from their home town to Israel and back. Payments are made in Israeli Shekels and linked to the representative rate of exchange Graduate fellowships are granted initially for one semester or one year with the possibility of extension, for the duration of degree requirements, subject to the necessary recommendations.
Inscrições: todos os anos, até 30 de novembro
Local: Israel
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Grande área: Agrárias / Biológicas / Saúde / Exatas e da Terra / Humanas / Sociais Aplicadas / Engenharias / Linguística, Letras e Artes / Outras
Tipo de oportunidade: Bolsa
Objetivo: Fellowships are granted for one year with the possibility of an extension for an additional year. The starting date of the Fellowship should not be later than five years after receipt of the Doctoral Degree. The monthly fellowship is tax free and is NIS 9,500. Faculty Members can pay up to NIS 12,000 plus one airline ticket for a direct flight from their home town to Israel and back.
Inscrições: todos os anos, até 30 de novembro
Local: Israel
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Grande área: Agrárias / Biológicas / Saúde / Exatas e da Terra / Humanas / Sociais Aplicadas / Engenharias / Linguística, Letras e Artes / Outras
Tipo de oportunidade: Bolsa, Pós-graduação
Objetivo: In line with one of the founder’s wishes, a special focus of the Gerda Henkel Foundation is support for up-and-coming scholars. Special attention is made when approving grants to enable qualified young researchers of both sexes to conduct scientific work for a limited period of time and in order to improve their academic training. As part of its Ph.D. programme, the Foundation seeks to promote highly-qualified new academic talent. Only those candidates are considered whose study achievements and exam performances show them to be especially gifted and whose Ph.D. theses can be expected to yield well above-average results. At present, each year about 50 scholarships are awarded.
Inscrições: todos os anos, até 31 de outubro
Local: Alemanha
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Grande área: Agrárias / Biológicas / Saúde / Exatas e da Terra / Humanas / Sociais Aplicadas / Engenharias / Linguística, Letras e Artes / Outras
Tipo de oportunidade: Apoio Financeiro
Objetivo: Implantação de práticas de pesquisas, tecnologia e inovação, com o aporte eficiente de esforços por parte do Governo do Estado de Santa Catarina, para a identificação e monitoramento de fatores determinantes de modelo de governança por processos relacionados com indicadores de desenvolvimento humano, por meio da seleção de recursos humanos qualificados, a fim de identificar e fomentar ações para a redução das desigualdades dos Índices de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH) da sociedade catarinense, no âmbito do Programa Gente Catarina.
Inscrições: até 19 de novembro de 2021
Local: Brasil
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Apoio financeiroBrasilEditalFAPESC