DAAD – Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists 2019

09/11/2018 08:55

Objetivo: DAAD grants provide foreign academics and scientists with an opportunity to carry out research and continue their education in Germany. There are funding programmes for various qualification phases and stages in a career. The aim of this particular programme is to support short-term research stays and thus promote the exchange of experience and networking amongst colleagues.

Inscrições: até 03 de dezembro de 2018

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Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology – Ph.D. Student Positions in Human Origins (International Max Planck Research School) 2019

09/11/2018 08:50

Objetivo: The International Max Planck Research School “The Leipzig School of Human Origins” (IMPRS LSHO) is a unique PhD program that combines different disciplines to study the evolutionary history and origins of humans and other primates.

Inscrições: até 01 de dezembro de 2018

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AAPS – Scholarships 2019

01/11/2018 09:47

Objetivo: The Association of Applied Paleontological Sciences (AAPS), is a non-profit organization of primarily professional commercial paleontologists that promote science. Each year, the AAPS offers two $1,000.00 scholarships to graduate level students in paleontology attending universities world wide. These scholarships are awarded to students who qualify and meet the approval of the board of directors, and the membership.

Inscrições: até 01 de dezembro de 2018

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Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research – Conference and Workshop Grants

01/11/2018 09:41

Objetivo: Conference and Workshop Grants are for amounts up to $20,000. In accordance with the mission of the Foundation, priority is given to events that foster the creation of an international community of research scholars in anthropology and advance significant and innovative anthropological research.

Inscrições: até 01 de dezembro de 2018

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SfAA – Peter K. New Award 2019

31/10/2018 09:59

Objetivo: The Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA) announces an annual student research competition in the applied social and behavioral sciences. The award will be given to the best paper which reports on an applied research project in the social/behavioral sciences. The research question should be in the domain of health care or human services (broadly construed).

Inscrições: até 30 de novembro de 2018

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Edital Capes nº36/2017 – Programa de Bolsas para Pesquisa Capes/Humboldt

30/10/2018 09:55

Objetivo: Conceder bolsas de pós-doutorado (estágio pós-doutoral) e pesquisador experiente (estágio sênior) para estudos na Alemanha em todas as áreas do conhecimento. Está prevista a concessão de até 15 bolsas em cada uma das seis chamadas nas duas modalidades.

Inscrições: até 30 de novembro de 2018

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Gerda Henkel Foundation – Special Programme Security, Society and the State: Research Projects 2018

30/10/2018 09:49

Objetivo: The programme is intended to encourage junior scholars to pursue unconventional research agendas that are nonetheless crucial, while providing senior scholars with the opportunity to focus intensively on work in progress for a limited period. Moreover, the objective is to combine basic theoretical research with concepts that are applicable to present-day political issues of security policy. The research programme addresses scholars of all disciplines in the humanities and social sciences.

Inscrições: até 30 de novembro de 2018

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AGFUND – International Prize for Pioneering Human Development Projects 2018

29/10/2018 09:51

Objetivo: The Arab Gulf Programme for Development (AGFUND) announces the first goal of the SDGs 2030 “End of poverty in all its forms everywhere” as subject for the 2018 AGFUND International Prize 2018 and invites the United Nations, international and regional organizations, ministries and public institutions, social business enterprises, national NGOs, individuals and development actors worldwide to submit nominations for the Prize.

Inscrições: até 30 de novembro de 2018

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Washington Library – George Washington Prize 2019

26/10/2018 09:50

Objetivo: The George Washington Prize is one of the nation’s largest and most prestigious literary awards. The Prize honors outstanding new works on George Washington and his times (the Revolutionary and founding eras circa 1760-1820). Works that reach a broad, non-scholarly public audience, are elegantly crafted and intellectually rigorous, and contribute substantially to the ongoing national conversation about the legacy and meaning of America’s revolution are eligible for consideration. Publishers and authors are invited to submit books that meet these criteria

Inscrições: até 28 de novembro de 2018

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