Assistant Professor (Lecturer / Senior Lecturer) in Financial Planning

10/03/2020 09:05

Grande área: Sociais Aplicadas

Objetivo: The Department boasts strong industry engagement, world-class teaching facilities and is at the forefront of innovative research. We have an exciting position for experienced Financial Planning academics to join the Department.  As an Assistant Professor (Lecturer/Senior Lecturer) in Financial Planning, you will contribute to the Department’s teaching programs at both the undergraduate and post-graduate levels whilst also undertaking high-quality research and publishing in leading academic journals in areas such as superannuation, insurance, estate planning, client relationships, ethics and financial behaviour.

Inscrições: até 03 de abril de 2020

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IBM Center for The Business of Government – Research Report Stipends 2020

06/03/2020 09:05

Grande área: Sociais Aplicadas

Objetivo: The aim of the IBM Center for The Business of Government is to tap into the best minds in academe and the nonprofit sector who can use rigorous public management research and analytic techniques to help public sector executives and managers improve the effectiveness of government.

Inscrições: até 01 de abril e 02 de novembro de 2020

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

Al Qasimi Foundation – Faculty Research Grants 2020

06/03/2020 09:04

Grande área: Agrárias / Biológicas / Saúde / Exatas e da Terra / Humanas / Sociais Aplicadas / Engenharias / Linguística, Letras e Artes / Outras

Objetivo: The Al Qasimi Foundation’s Faculty Research Grants are open to current faculty members at recognized tertiary institutions from across the world. They are designed to sponsor faculty conducting field research in the emirate of Ras Al Khaimah over the summer months or during a sabbatical.

Inscrições: até 01 de abril de 2020

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

Al Qasimi Foundation – Seed Grants 2020

06/03/2020 09:02

Grande área: Agrárias / Biológicas / Saúde / Exatas e da Terra / Humanas / Sociais Aplicadas / Engenharias / Linguística, Letras e Artes / Outras

Objetivo: Special 2020 Topics Call – Coastal & Marine Research: In addition to the Foundation’s main priority areas (education, arts and culture, public health, community planning), the 2020 call for submissions welcomes research proposals related to coastal and marine systems from a broad array of academic disciplines.

Inscrições: até 01 de abril de 2020

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

National Geographic Society – Requests for Proposal: Equity and the Natural World 2020

05/03/2020 10:34

Grande área: Agrárias / Saúde / Exatas e da Terra / Humanas / Sociais Aplicadas / Engenharias

Objetivo: To bring hidden stories to the surface and to understand in rich detail those who have been given far too little consideration in the environmental movement and to tell stories that illuminate the policies and actions that have brought our global community to an unprecedented moment on the precipice of planetary climate disaster—and how frontline communities will feel the consequences much more than wealthy ones.

Inscrições: até 01 de abril de 2020

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

IBM Center for The Business of Government – Research Report Stipends

03/03/2020 10:35

Grande áreaSociais Aplicadas / Outras

Objetivo: The aim of the IBM Center for The Business of Government is to tap into the best minds in academe and the nonprofit sector who can use rigorous public management research and analytic techniques to help public sector executives and managers improve the effectiveness of government.

Inscrições: até 01 de abril de 2020

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior