Center for Philosophy of Science – Senior Visiting Fellowship 2019/2020

18/11/2019 07:34

Objetivo: The Senior Visiting Fellows program invites philosophers of science with seniority in the profession to spend a two-term academic year working in the Center for Philosophy of Science. Senior Fellows work principally on their own research project. Because of their seniority, it is expected that they will informally mentor junior scholars also visiting in the Center.

Inscrições: até 14 de dezembro de 2019

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Center for Philosophy of Science – Postdoctoral Fellowship 2019/2020

18/11/2019 07:31

Objetivo: Postdoctoral Fellowships enable philosophers of science within five years of their doctorates to spend a two-term academic year working in the Center for Philosophy of Science on a project in philosophy of science that they nominate. Two Postdoctoral Fellowships are offered each year.

Inscrições: até 14 de dezembro de 2019

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Library of Congress – Kluge Fellowships in Digital Studies

13/11/2019 07:59

Objetivo: The Kluge Fellowship in Digital Studies is intended to examine the impact of the digital revolution on society, culture and international relations using the Library’s collections and resources.

Inscrições: até 06 de dezembro de 2019

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Fund to End Violence Against Children 2019

13/11/2019 07:56

Objetivo: The End Violence Fund is requesting Expressions of Interest focused on solutions that leverage existing and new technologies to prevent and combat online child sexual exploitation and abuse. Total funds to be awarded through this open call is approximately US$13 million. The Fund will explore scaling/adapting existing solutions and developing new technologies, using tools such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, blockchain, virtual reality and other innovative solutions that have the potential to enhance detection and response to online child sexual exploitation and abuse and prevent known and emerging threats.

Inscrições: até 06 de dezembro de 2019

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Green Institute – Green Fellowships 2020

13/11/2019 07:46

Objetivo: The Green Fellowship invites recent university or college graduates and postgraduate students from across the world to join one its online cohort in 2020, to conduct original research, develop innovations, or implement action in collaboration with faculty at The Green Institute. In addition to their project, Fellows participate in career workshops, trainings, and a final online symposium to share their work. There is also possibility of a field trip. Fellow will receive certificates at the end of the fellowship. The best project will receive funding to amplify their work.

Inscrições: até 05 de dezembro de 2019

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Spencer Foundation – Conference Grants 2019

12/11/2019 07:32

Objetivo: The Conference Grant Program provides support to scholars for small research conferences and focused symposia. This program is intended to bring together researchers whose substantive knowledge, theoretical insight, and methodological expertise can be assembled in ways that build upon and advance best practices in education research.

Inscrições: até 04 de dezembro de 2019

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TWAS/Unesco – Associateship Scheme at Centres of Excellence in the South 2020

11/11/2019 07:18

Objetivo: In collaboration with UNESCO and a number of centres of excellence in the South, TWAS has instituted a Joint Associateship Scheme to enable competent researchers from the South to visit these centres regularly. An associate is appointed for three years during which he/she can visit a Centre twice for research collaboration.

Inscrições: até 02 de dezembro de 2019

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Prêmio CAPES Talento Universitário Edital nº 24/2019

08/11/2019 10:44

Objetivo: Reconhecer o desempenho dos estudantes que demonstrarem grau destacado de desenvolvimento de competências cognitivas; subsidiar estudos e pesquisas quantitativas e qualitativas que guardem correlacionamento com as competências finalísticas da CAPES; incentivar a formação de discentes ingressantes no Ensino Superior no ano de 2019.

Prova: 08 de dezembro de 2019

Inscrições: até 12 de novembro de 2019

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Tags: BrasilCapesEdital