Keeling Curve Prize – Global Warming Mitigation Project 2020

23/01/2020 08:45

Objetivo: The Global Warming Mitigation Project runs the annual competition  that awards $250,000 to promising global warming solutions, apiece to 10 projects around the world with significant potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or increase carbon uptake.

Inscrições: até 10 de fevereiro de 2020

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UNHCR – Nansen Refugee Award 2020

23/01/2020 08:41

Objetivo: The winner receives USD 150,000 to invest in their humanitarian work. Four regional winners are also selected and honoured with a certificate. Qualquer indivíduo, grupo de pessoas ou organização que tenha apresentado um trabalho humanitário extraordinário em nome de refugiados, deslocados ou apátridas é elegível para ser nomeado.

Inscrições: até 09 de fevereiro de 2020

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Cifar – Azrieli Global Scholars 2020

21/01/2020 09:19

Objetivo: The CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholars program supports exceptional early-career researchers with funding, mentorship, a global network, and professional skills development.

Inscrições: até 05 de fevereiro de 2020

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ERC – Consolidator Investigator Grant 2020

17/01/2020 09:29

Objetivo: To support scientists who want to consolidate their independence by establishing a research team and continuing to develop a success career in Europe or supporting recently created  independent and excellent research teams.

Inscrições: até 03 de fevereiro de 2020

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University of Bergen – Bergen Summer Research School 2020

17/01/2020 09:17

Objetivo: To explore the interfaces between science, society and global challenges. Six parallel courses will focus on key global challenges, including climate governance, sustainable cities, sustainable oceans, media & democracy, global food systems, and migrant health.

Inscrições: até 01 de fevereiro de 2020

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