Dena – Start Up Energy Transition Award 2020

18/12/2019 07:00

Objetivo: The international ‘Start Up Energy Transition’ (SET) initiative invites young and innovative companies around the world to apply for the SET Award 2020. The fourth round of the award for business ideas in the energy transition and climate protection was launched at a kickoff event in Stockholm, Sweden.

Inscrições: até 15 de janeiro de 2020

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ETH Zurich/Society in Science – Branco Weiss Fellowship 2020

17/12/2019 07:40

Objetivo: The Branco Weiss Fellowship – Society in Science is a unique postdoc program. It awards young researchers around the world with a generous personal research grant, giving them the freedom to work on whatever topic they choose anywhere in the world, for up to five years. This research fellowship is designed to support postdoctoral researchers after their PhD and before their first faculty appointment. Those in current postdoctoral positions are also eligible. Ideally, fellows pursue unconventional projects in new areas of science, engineering and social sciences.

Inscrições: até 15 de janeiro de 2020

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Electrochemical Society – Colin Garfield Fink Summer Fellowship 2019

16/12/2019 07:19

Objetivo: A brief resume or abstract of 100-150 words concerning work performed shall be submitted to the Society by the recipient at the end of the award period, suitable for publication in The Electrochemical Society The Electrochemical Society Interface. Acknowledgment shall be made of the Colin Garfield Fink Summer Fellowship Award in any formal publication based on research to which this award period contributed.

Inscrições: até 15 de janeiro de 2020

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IDB – Rethink Plastic Challenge 2020

13/12/2019 07:42

Objetivo: O Desafio oferece US$ 60 mil em prêmios em dinheiro, com um prêmio máximo de US$ 30 mil. Além disso, as propostas vencedoras serão consideradas para um projeto piloto financiado pelo Grupo BID de até US$ 250mil, sujeito à devida diligência e aprovações internas.

Para reduzir ou eliminar a produção de plásticos de uso único e resíduos plásticos na região latino-americana, o Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento (BID) está buscando soluções inovadoras que:

  • Incorporem alterações nos modelos de negócios de uso de plásticos em embalagens e transportes;
  • Reduzam plásticos de uso único e resíduos plásticos promovendo mudanças no comportamento do consumidor e incentivando a reutilização e a reciclagem;
  • Permitam que o setor público, especialmente os municípios, possa testar e implementar sistemas novos e inovadores para o gerenciamento de resíduos.

Inscrições: até 14 de janeiro de 2020

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NGS – Requests for Proposals: Citizen Science for Species Discovery 2019

11/12/2019 07:21

Objetivo: Proposals should activate a network of citizen scientists to help support the discovery of species, bridge biodiversity gaps, and accelerate biodiversity data collection, identification, and classification. We encourage proposals for work in any biome.

Inscrições: até 09 de janeiro de 2020

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GWIS – National Fellowships Program 2020/2021

11/12/2019 07:15

Objetivo: The Graduate Women In Science (GWIS) National Fellowship Program helps increase the knowledge in the natural sciences and encourages the academic and professional careers in the sciences by women.

Inscrições: até 10 de janeiro de 2020

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NGS – Requests for Proposals: Artificial Intelligence for Species Discovery 2019

10/12/2019 07:56

Objetivo: The National Geographic Society and Microsoft’s AI for Earth program are partnering to support the exploration of how AI can help us discover, identify, and classify new species. The Artificial Intelligence for Species Discovery RFP will provide support to projects that accelerate discovery, monitoring, and modeling, and ultimately improve the management of Earth’s biodiversity for a more sustainable future.

Inscrições: até 08 de janeiro de 2020

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NGS – Requests for Proposals: Biodiversity Exploration and Discovery 2019

10/12/2019 07:51

Objetivo: National Geographic is committed to a better understanding of our planet and an improved ability to conserve our world’s biodiversity. With the goals to 1) find and describe new species, and 2) better understand the patterns of distribution and abundance of poorly known groups of organisms, this RFP will support inventories, surveys, and research expeditions in regions of the world where species discoveries are more likely to occur and where little or no information is available. We encourage proposals for work in any biome.

Inscrições: até 08 de janeiro de 2020

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British Council – Global Innovation Challenge 2020: #IdeasChangeLives

09/12/2019 07:53

Objetivo: #IdeasChangeLives is our global innovation challenge to find digital solutions to some of the world’s greatest problems. We’re looking for people with a fresh, entrepreneurial spirit and a big idea that has the potential to make a positive impact for communities across the globe. The winning pitch will get £20,000 to invest in their idea, as well as mentorship and support from the British Council for a full year.

Inscrições: até 10 de janeiro de 2020

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Anita Borg Institute – Change Agent Abie Award 2020

09/12/2019 07:42

Objetivo: Representation of women in technology is a global issue. The Change Agent Abie Award honors an outstanding international woman (non-U.S. resident with an emphasis on developing countries) who created or expanded opportunities for girls and women in technology.

Inscrições: até 08 de janeiro de 2020

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