[chamada] Postdoctoral Researcher Positions in Quantum Phenomena and Devices

25/09/2017 16:13

PICO group of the Aalto University’s Department of Applied Physics (Helsinki, Finland) is looking for highly motivated PhD students and post docs to work on projects on quantum thermodynamics in electronic circuits, and on developing single-electron current sources and detectors on them. Common tasks in the group include working with a dilution refrigerator and other cryogenic tools, nanofabrication in the state-of-the-art clean room facilities of OtaNano, theoretical and numerical analysis, and measurement automation. Previous experience in some of these topics is beneficial, but strong candidates from other fields of physics are encouraged to apply as well.

até 08 de outubro de 2017.

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Tags: EditalExterior

[prêmio] Thieme-Iupac Prize in Synthetic Organic Chemistry 2018

22/09/2017 16:54

The prize will be awarded on the basis of scientific merit for independent research dealing with synthesis in the broadest context of organic chemistry, including organometallic chemistry, medicinal and biological chemistry, designed molecules, and materials.

até 09 de dezembro de 2017.

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Tags: EditalExteriorPrêmio

[evento] EurAsia Waste Management Symposium 2018

22/09/2017 16:09

EurAsia Waste Management Symposium 2018

dias 02 a 04 de maio de 2018.

Istambul, Turquia.

Submissões de trabalhos:
até 01 de dezembro de 2017.

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Tags: Exterior

[prêmio] TAU – Dan David Prize 2018

21/09/2017 13:47

The Dan David Prize is a joint international corporation, endowed by the Dan David Foundation and headquartered at Tel Aviv University. The Prize recognizes and encourages innovative and interdisciplinary research that cuts across traditional boundaries and paradigms. It aims to foster universal values of excellence, creativity, justice, democracy and progress and to promote the scientific, technological and humanistic achievements that advance and improve our world.

até 30 de novembro de 2017.

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Tags: EditalExteriorPrêmio

[evento] International Conferences WSEAS – World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society

21/09/2017 13:19

MATREFC ’18 – 6th International Conference on Management, Marketing, Tourism, Retail, Finance and Computer Applications;
EEESD ’18 – 14th International Conference on Energy, Environment, Ecosystems and Sustainable Development;
MCBC ’18 – 15th International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Biology and Chemistry;
CEA ’18 – 11th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications;
AMTA ’18 – 15th International Conference on Acoustics & Music: Theory & Applications;
MCBE ’18 – 15th International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Business and Economics;
ICBA ’18 – 12th International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Business Administration;
CSST ’18 – 11th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Signal and Telecommunications.

dias 19 a 21 de janeiro de 2018.

Submissões de trabalhos:
até 19 de novembro de 2017.

Budapeste, Hungria.


Tags: Exterior

[chamada] Swiss National Science Foundation – Prima Grants 2017

20/09/2017 18:21

The Prima Grants are aimed at excellent female researchers from Switzerland and abroad who aspire to a professorship in Switzerland. Prima grantees lead their own research project at a Swiss higher education institution. They work independently and have a team of their own. A Prima grant comprises the grantee’s salary and project funds for a duration of up to five years, the possibility to plan a stay at another host institution and the offer of a mentoring network.

até 01 de novembro de 2017.

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Tags: EditalExterior

[prêmio] Nestlé/Ashoka – Prêmio Criando Valor

20/09/2017 18:06

Reconhecer e apoiar iniciativas inovadoras que buscam solucionar desafios relacionados à água, à nutrição ou ao desenvolvimento rural, que:

1. Tenham uma ideia comprovadamente testada por meio de um piloto ou empreendimento;
2. Tenham potencial para ganhar escala e sejam replicadas em outras comunidades ou configurações;
3. Sejam promissoras para gerar impacto social substancial por meio da melhoria do acesso à nutrição, do desenvolvimento rural ou tendo um significativo impacto na gestão dos recursos hídricos ou no acesso à água potável;
4. Sejam construídas em um modelo de negócios sólido e viável.

até 31 de outubro de 2017.

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Tags: BrasilEditalExterior

[chamada] Chamada Capes/IODP para Expedições 379 e 382

20/09/2017 17:35

Investigar a história e a estrutura da Terra, a partir do registro em sedimentos e rochas do fundo do mar, e monitorar ambientes de sub-superfície. O programa reúne parte significativa da comunidade científica atuante nas ciências do mar em águas profundas de diversos países. A Capes recebe inscrições para duas Expedições Marítimas do IODP que vão pesquisar as proximidades do continente antártico.

até 15 de outubro de 2017.

Mais informações no site.

Tags: CapesEdital