2017 DOC2AMU Doctoral Programme

28/11/2017 14:42

Objetivo: DOC2AMU doctoral programme has launched its third and last call for interdisciplinary, intersectorial and international thesis projects. The programme covers several scientific disciplines. The thesis projects should fit into one of the six interdisciplinary thematic research axes: Big Data, Climate change, Imaging, Globalization, Nano health, Networks.

Inscrições: até 8 de janeiro de 2018

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Microsoft Corporation – Dream.Build.Play Challenge 2017

27/11/2017 14:34

Objetivo: The Dream.Build.Play 2017 Challenge is pushing game makers to maximize their creativity and create experiences that engage gamers from across the world. This competition is open to all creators, working solo or in teams of up to seven. Create a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) game for one of the categories below by December 31, 2017, and you’ll have a chance to win cash prizes and share your game with the world.

Inscrições: até 31 de dezembro de 2017

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5ª Reunión Latinoamericana de Análisis de Redes Sociales

27/11/2017 14:23

Objetivo: Con el compromiso asumido en febrero de 2017 de continuar intercambiando conocimiento y experiencias con quienes trabajan en la temática de redes sociales desde diferentes disciplinas y ámbitos de aplicación, es que deseamos volver a encontrarnos, generando un espacio de lazos sólidos en la colaboración inmediata y futura entre equipos de investigación de Latinoamérica y de otras regiones.

Inscrições: até 13 de dezembro de 2017

Data: 12 a 15 de dezembro de 2017

Local: Espaço Físico Integrado (EFI) – UFSC Campus Trindade – Florianópolis

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Tags: Brasil

AAG – Marcus Fund for Physical Geography 2017

24/11/2017 13:58

Objetivo: The objective of The Mel Marcus Fund for Physical Geography is to carry on the tradition of excellence and humanity in field work espoused by Dr. Melvin G. Marcus. Grants from the Mel Marcus Fund for Physical Geography will foster personally formative participation by students collaborating with faculty in field-based physical geography research in challenging outdoor environments.

Inscrições: até 31 de dezembro de 2017

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FormSwift Scholarship Program 2017

24/11/2017 12:52

Objetivo: The FormSwift Scholarship Program is based on a contest for students to create a Business Plan Infographic and have a chance to win $1000 for scholarship. The Bussiness Plan must be made in one of the following areas of industry: startup, restaurant, non-profit, transportation and clothing.

Inscrições: até 15 de dezembro de 2017

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Kaust – Fellowship 2018

23/11/2017 14:26

Objetivo: The KAUST Fellowship is the general scholarship program of the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). All admitted students receive the benefits of the KAUST Fellowship which supports students for the duration of their graduate studies. KAUST encourages students seeking to earn graduate degrees from Saudi Arabia and around the world to apply.

Inscrições: até 15 de dezembro de 2017

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Dalhousie University – Izaak Walton Killam Postdoctoral Fellowship 2018

23/11/2017 14:14

Objetivo: Izaak Walton Killam Postdoctoral Fellowships are awarded annually at Dalhousie University to recently graduated scholars of superior academic research ability in any discipline. Awards are tenable for two years and include travel costs, a research grant, and a conference travel allowance.

Inscrições: até 15 de dezembro de 2017

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MDIC – 4ª Chamada para Apresentação de Propostas Conjuntas para Projetos de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (P&D) Industrial entre Empresas Brasileiras e Israelenses

23/11/2017 14:09

Objetivo: Convidar empresas brasileiras e israelenses a elaborarem propostas de cooperação em P&D que resultem no desenvolvimento de novos produtos, processos ou serviços de aplicação industrial direcionados à comercialização no mercado doméstico e/ou global. O projeto deverá demonstrar equilíbrio adequado na participação dos parceiros industriais dos dois países, com complementaridade entre as empresas e contribuições de ambos os lados para a pesquisa.

Inscrições: até 15 de dezembro de 2017

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Tags: Brasil