C.J. Alexopoulos Prize

11/01/2022 09:00

Grande áreaBiológicas

Tipo de oportunidadePrêmio

Objetivo: The C.J. Alexopoulos Prize is awarded annually to an outstanding mycologist early in their career. The nominees will are evaluated primarily on the basis of quality, originality, and quantity of their published work.

Inscrições: até 15 de fevereiro de 2022

Local: Exterior

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio

The Gordon and Tina Wasson Award

09/01/2022 15:00

Grande áreaBiológicas

Tipo de oportunidadePrêmio

Objetivo: The Gordon and Tina Wasson Award recognizes people with non-traditional academic backgrounds who have made outstanding contributions to the field of mycology, or who have widely transmitted significant scientific or aesthetic knowledge about fungi to the general public. Nominees for the award are judged on the basis of the impact and quality of their contributions and on their sustained commitment to the field of mycology. At most, a single award is given each year.

Inscrições: até 15 de fevereiro de 2022

Local: Exterior

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio

Distinguished Mycologist Award

09/01/2022 13:00

Grande áreaBiológicas

Tipo de oportunidadePrêmio

Objetivo: The Distinguished Mycologist Award is awarded annually to an individual who has established an outstanding mycological career. This is one of the highest awards bestowed by the MSA and marks a distinguished career. Nominees for the award are evaluated on the basis of quality, originality, and quantity of their published research, and on the basis of service to the MSA or to the field of mycology in general.

Inscrições: até 15 de fevereiro de 2022

Local: Exterior

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio

Volvo Environment Prize

21/11/2021 13:00

Grande áreaAgrárias / Biológicas / Saúde / Exatas e da Terra / Humanas / Sociais Aplicadas / Engenharias / Linguística, Letras e Artes / Outras

Tipo de oportunidadePrêmio

Objetivo: The Volvo Environment Prize has become one of the scientific world’s most respected environmental prizes. Laureates represent all fields of environmental and sustainability studies and initiatives. The Prize is awarded annually and consists of a hand-crafted diploma, a glass sculpture and a cash award of SEK 1.5 million (approximately EUR 150,000 or USD 160,000).

Inscrições: até 10 de janeiro de 2022

Local: Suécia

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio

CF Foundation NIH K-Boost Award

26/10/2021 17:00

Grande áreaBiológicas / Saúde

Tipo de oportunidadePrêmio

Objetivo: The primary purpose of the K-Boost Award is to provide supplemental funding to qualified and promising scientists early in their faculty careers who have obtained K funding from the National Institutes of Health in areas that reflect the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s research priorities.

Inscrições: até 31 de dezembro de 2021

Local: Estados Unidos

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio

Membership Awards

26/10/2021 09:00

Grande áreaBiológicas

Tipo de oportunidadePrêmio

Objetivo: AOS awards one year of gratis student membership to students from anywhere in the world interested in pursuing a career in ornithology. Student Membership Award winners receive the full benefits of AOS membership. These awards are administered by the Student Membership Awards Committee.

Inscrições: até 31 de dezembro de 2021

Local: Estados Unidos

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio

The Milken-Motsepe Prize in AgriTech

14/10/2021 15:00

Grande áreaAgrárias / Biológicas / Saúde / Exatas e da Terra / Humanas / Sociais Aplicadas / Engenharias / Linguística, Letras e Artes / Outras

Tipo de oportunidadePrêmio

Objetivo: Application is now open for the inaugural Milken-Motsepe Prize in AgriTech which has now majorly focused on accelerating progress towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1 and 2: no poverty and zero hunger. The Milken-Motsepe Prize in AgriTech is a global competition for innovative solutions to increase economic value to farmers, from seed to sale. There are no fees for the aspect of the registration and is now open for anyone with a $1 million grand prize available for the winning team, and $1 million in additional prizes.

Inscrições: até 08 de dezembro de 2021

Local: Estados Unidos

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio

Stop Slavery Award Categories

14/10/2021 11:00

Grande áreaAgrárias / Biológicas / Saúde / Exatas e da Terra / Humanas / Sociais Aplicadas / Engenharias / Linguística, Letras e Artes / Outras

Tipo de oportunidadePrêmio

Objetivo: We are excited to have expanded our Stop Slavery Award to recognise the wide range of actors dedicated to ending the scourge of modern slavery and human trafficking. Our award categories recognise innovators in this space, impactful collaborations between sectors, grassroots organisations on the front lines, journalists raising awareness of this under-reported issue, as well as businesses of all sizes who are rooting out forced labour from their supply chains.

Inscrições: até 03 de dezembro de 2021

Local: Exterior

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio

Prêmio “Carolina Bori Ciência & Mulher”

19/09/2021 17:00

Grande áreaBiológicas / Saúde / Exatas e da Terra / Humanas / Sociais Aplicadas / Engenharias

Tipo de oportunidadePrêmio

Objetivo: Homenagear as cientistas brasileiras e incentivar as meninas a seguirem nessa carreira. Trata-se de uma ação marcante de sua trajetória histórica, na qual muitas mulheres foram protagonistas de anos de lutas e sucesso da maior sociedade científica do País e da América do Sul.

Inscrições: até 31 de outubro de 2021

Local: Brasil

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Tags: BrasilPrêmioSBPC

Premio Leonard Rieser para Jóvenes Científicos

12/09/2021 15:00

Grande áreaBiológicas / Saúde

Tipo de oportunidadePrêmio

Objetivo: El Premio se concederá anualmente a un/a científico/a joven por sus valiosos aportes al avance científico o tecnológico para el desarrollo de por lo menos un país de la región, valorado en términos del número e impacto de sus publicaciones en revistas que han logrado reconocimiento internacional y sus contribuciones acreditadas a la institucionalización de la ciencia y la tecnología. En el año 2021 se aceptarán candidatos/as en el área de la Biomedicina y Ciencias de la Vida.

Inscrições: até 15 de outubro de 2021

Local: Exterior

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio