Objetivo: To recognize outstanding individual scientific achievements among young Doctoral researchers within six years after the dissertation and to encourage further work within the fields of research covered by IUFRO.
Inscrições: até 31 de agosto de 2018
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Objetivo: Select videos from activists for a chance to be a youth reporter at the UN Climate Change Conference in Poland in December.
Inscrições: até 31 de agosto de 2018
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Objetivo: This scheme offers nationals of low- and middle-income countries the opportunity to receive training at Master’s degree level on Publich Health and Tropical Medicine.
Inscrições: até 31 de agosto de 2018
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Objetivo: The FSH Society offers grants, research fellowships and postdoctoral fellowships to support research relevant to understanding the molecular genetics and cause of Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy (FSHD).
Inscrições: até 31 de agosto de 2018
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Apoio financeiroExterior
Objetivo: A Phd Position is available in the Integrative Cell Signalling group of the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine, Luxembourg University, in the framework of the Doctoral Training Unit CriTiCS on Critical Transitions in Complex Systems.
Inscrições: durante todo o ano
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Objetivo: To offer fellowship programme for foreign scholars from developing countries who wish to pursue postdoctoral research in biotechnology. TWAS-DBT Postdoctoral Fellowships are tenable at key biotechnology research institutions in India for a minimum period of 12 months to a maximum period of 18 months.
Inscrições: até 31 de agosto de 2018
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Objetivo: Reunir estudantes e profissionais das áreas de ciências da vida e da saúde para dialogar sobre as distintas estratégias e a complexidade inerente à saúde humana, visando compreensão das potencialidades pelos integrantes da equipe multiprofissional de saúde no exercício das suas atividades.
Inscrições: até 30 de agosto de 2018
Data: 30 de agosto a 01 de setembro de 2018
Local: Espaço Multieventos da UNIVASF – Juazeiro, BA
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Objetivo: Our international, impact-driven philanthropic grant making program is focused on three main areas: cancer research, libertarian, and social/educational. Fundamentally, we want to inspire lifelong learning for individuals, and bridge the frontiers of cancer research to bring about impactful transformations that support people to live healthier and more productive lives.
Inscrições: até 25 de agosto de 2018
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Apoio financeiroExterior
Objetivo: DMM Conference Travel Grants are aimed at early career scientists wanting to attend scientific meetings, conferences, workshops and courses relating to the areas of research covered by the journal. Each application will be judged on the excellence of the candidate and any work being presented in a talk or poster.
Inscrições: até 17 de agosto e 09 de novembro de 2018
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Apoio financeiroExterior
Objetivo: The Techno-College invites surgeons, engineers, innovators, researchers and scientists active in the field of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery to apply for The Techno-College Innovation Award.
Inscrições: até 17 de setembro de 2018
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