AMNH – Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Grants 2020

24/01/2020 09:15

Objetivo: To early career researchers (including doctoral students) proposing to conduct research in any phase of wildlife conservation or related fields of North American fauna – terrestrial and freshwater (rivers, lakes, streams), extant or fossil – are invited to apply to the Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Grants.

Inscrições: até 16 de fevereiro de 2020

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Wildlife Artist of the Year 2020

23/01/2020 08:58

Objetivo: The Wildlife Artist of the Year 2020 exhibition will be held between 27 – 31 May at Mall Galleries, London. Internationally renowned, Wildlife Artist of the Year brings together a wide range of artists and art-lovers from all over the globe to celebrate our planet’s wildlife through some of the world’s most exciting and diverse wildlife art.

Inscrições: até 10 de fevereiro de 2020

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Usaid – Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER) 2019/2020

23/01/2020 08:55

Objetivo: PEER Cycle 9 has several new focus areas this year. In addition to the broad call for projects on any development-related research topic, the program welcomes calls in focus areas on advanced digital tools; family planning and reproductive health; the social, economic, and behavioral sciences. Last year’s cycle only supported projects of one year in length, but this year PEER Cycle 9 is once again inviting proposals for projects lasting two or three years, depending on the focus area.

Inscrições: até 10 de fevereiro de 2020

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Keeling Curve Prize – Global Warming Mitigation Project 2020

23/01/2020 08:45

Objetivo: The Global Warming Mitigation Project runs the annual competition  that awards $250,000 to promising global warming solutions, apiece to 10 projects around the world with significant potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or increase carbon uptake.

Inscrições: até 10 de fevereiro de 2020

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Leukemia Research Foundation – Hollis Brownstein Research Grants Program 2020/2021

22/01/2020 09:31

Objetivo: The Leukemia Research Foundation exclusively funds New Investigators – individuals beginning to establish their own laboratories that are no longer under the tutelage of a senior scientist mentor.This foundation supports highly promising scientists focused on how blood cancers are detected, diagnosed and treated.

Inscrições: até 07 de fevereiro de 2020

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Cifar – Azrieli Global Scholars 2020

21/01/2020 09:19

Objetivo: The CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholars program supports exceptional early-career researchers with funding, mentorship, a global network, and professional skills development.

Inscrições: até 05 de fevereiro de 2020

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ERC – Consolidator Investigator Grant 2020

17/01/2020 09:29

Objetivo: To support scientists who want to consolidate their independence by establishing a research team and continuing to develop a success career in Europe or supporting recently created  independent and excellent research teams.

Inscrições: até 03 de fevereiro de 2020

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University of Bergen – Bergen Summer Research School 2020

17/01/2020 09:17

Objetivo: To explore the interfaces between science, society and global challenges. Six parallel courses will focus on key global challenges, including climate governance, sustainable cities, sustainable oceans, media & democracy, global food systems, and migrant health.

Inscrições: até 01 de fevereiro de 2020

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Cooley’s Anemia Foundation – Research Fellowships 2020

17/01/2020 09:08

Objetivo: To support investigators from all disciplines and backgrounds (MD, RN, PhD, MPH, MSW or other disciplines) with their ongoing clinical projects to address one or more of the following areas impacting patients with thalassemia, including but not limited to: cardiac issues and iron overload; fertility, pregnancy and family planning; quality of life, psychosocial impact and/or burden of disease.

Inscrições: até 02 de fevereiro de 2020

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