[prêmio] SEA – Sustainable Entrepreneurship Award 2018

23/08/2017 17:27

The Sustainable Entrepreneurship Award (SEA), launched in 2012, annually presents awards to enterprises, projects and ideas which address a social or ecological problem by combining innovative solutions with a profitable commercial strategy. The goal is to identify and accelerate the best entrepreneurial solutions to eart ดs biggest challenges by connecting entrepreneurs, investors and incubators to create a livable future.

até dia 30 de setembro de 2017.

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Tags: EditalExteriorPrêmio

[chamada] AIEF – Access Leadership Scholars 2017

22/08/2017 13:19

The Foundation is a funding resource for individuals and organizations for the advancement of knowledge in the field of information management through research and education. Its overall goal is to strengthen records and information management through development of the knowledge, skills, and abilities of selected practitioners in the field. The Foundation’s Scholarship Program encourages the development of the international records and information management community with an appropriately educated records and information management workforce.

até dia 01 de setembro de 2017.

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Tags: BolsaEditalExterior

[prêmio] Longitude Prize

21/08/2017 15:48

Longitude Prize has been launched to help solve one the greatest issues of our time: the rise of antibiotic resistance. The prize has been developed and is being run by Nesta, the UK’s innovation foundation. It was launched by the Prime Minister at G8 2014, and is being supported by Innovate UK as funding partner.

até dia 30 de setembro de 2017.

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio

[prêmio] AGFUND – International Prize for Pioneering Human Development Projects 2017

21/08/2017 13:49

The Arab Gulf Program for Development (AGFUND) is a regional organization based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia that through the implementation of its programs, provides support to needy groups to help facilitate their full access to basic and fundamental social requirements, such as education and health care, under the umbrella of fair national and international legislations towards the prevailing of security and peace.

até dia 30 de setembro de 2017.

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio

[chamada] NFCR – Szent-Györgyi Prize for Progress in Cancer Research 2018

18/08/2017 17:27

The Szent-Györgyi Prize for Progress in Cancer Research was established to honor an outstanding researcher whose scientific achievements have expanded the understanding of cancer and cancer causation; whose vision has moved cancer research in new directions; and whose discoveries have resulted in notable advances in cancer prevention, diagnosis, or treatment. The Prize also promotes public awareness of the importance of basic cancer research and encourages the sustained investment needed to accelerate the translation of these research discoveries into new cancer treatments.

até dia 30 de setembro de 2017.

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Tags: EditalExteriorPrêmio

[chamada] Termuno Foundation for Life Science and Arts – General R&D Subsidies (Overseas) Program 2017

18/08/2017 16:29

The Termuno Foundation for Life Science and Arts aim to subsidize and to promote research related to science and technology in the areas of life-science-related materials, bioengineering, biological defense mechanism, ioinstrumentation, and pathological biochemistry. The mission consists of research subsidization, promotion and education, recognition of exceptional achievements, and international exchange related to science and technology in the field of life sciences.

até dia 30 de setembro de 2017.

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Tags: EditalExterior

[chamada] Fundação Nacional da Saúde – FUNASA – Chamamento 02/2017

18/08/2017 15:57

Selecionar projetos de pesquisas apresentados por Instituições de Ensino e Pesquisa, com vistas à produção de soluções técnicas, econômica e ambientalmente sustentáveis, que possam ser aplicáveis na área da saúde ambiental em benefício da população brasileira.

Área 1: Qualidade da água para consumo humano
Área 2: Poluentes ambientais
Área 3: Promoção à saúde
Área 4: Saneamento básico

A UFSC pode participar como proponente registrando sua proposta no sistema de pesquisa FUNASA: http://sis.funasa.gov.br/pesquisa.

A proposta deve ser assinada por representante legal da Universidade, podendo ser assinada pelo Pró-Reitor de Pesquisa (Anexo II).



Foi prorrogado e retificado o Edital de Chamamento para seleção de projetos de pesquisas e estudos prioritários nas áreas de Saúde Ambiental e Saneamento. As propostas, obedecendo ao anexo II, deverão ser cadastradas até o dia 25 de setembro de 2017.

Retificou-se ainda as datas descritas no Item 9. Dos Prazos. E onde se lê: 6.1.1.a Código do Programa: 3621120170014, leia-se 6.1.1.a. Código do Programa: 3621120170019. O respectivo edital está disponível no endereço eletrônico www.funasa.gov.br.

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Tags: BrasilEdital

[chamada] Pesquisadores UFSC: Recurso CAPES para Manutenção de Equipamentos – até 28 de agosto de 2017

17/08/2017 18:35

Apoiar a melhoria da infraestrutura de pesquisa dos programas de pós-graduação. O recurso é destinado à manutenção de equipamentos, deverá ser executado ainda em 2017 e a gestão será feita pela Pró-Reitoria de Pós-Graduação/UFSC.

até dia 28 de agosto de 2017.

Mais informações aqui.

Tags: BrasilCapesEdital

[evento] 17º Congresso Nacional de Iniciação Científica – CONIC-SEMESP

17/08/2017 17:29

17º Congresso Nacional de Iniciação Científica – CONIC-SEMESP

Objetivo: Identificar talentos, estimular a produção de conteúdo científico além de viabilizar na prática os projetos apresentados pelos alunos, por meio do exercício da criatividade e de conhecimentos adquiridos.

dias 24 e 25 de novembro de 2017.

Submissões de trabalhos:
até 01 de setembro de 2017.

São Paulo, Brasil

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Tags: Brasil

[chamada] Erasmus Mundus Consortium in Clinical Linguistics (Emcl): Master Scholarships for Non-Eu Students 2018/2020

17/08/2017 16:24

The Erasmus Mundus Consortium in Clinical Linguistics (EMCL) is an integrated two-year Master’s programme offered jointly by a Consortium of the Universities of Groningen (NL), Potsdam (DE) and Eastern Finland (FI) and fifteen Associated Partners from the academic, R&D, and clinical sector, finishing with a joint MSc degree from the three institutions.

até dia 31 de agosto de 2017.

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Tags: BolsaEditalExterior