[prêmio] Prêmio MCTIC de Métodos Alternativos 2017

11/09/2017 12:54

Revelar talentos, impulsionar a pesquisa científica e o desenvolvimento tecnológico, assim como promover a inovação na temática de métodos alternativos à experimentação animal, bem como no ensino, sempre voltados ao Princípio dos 3Rs (Reduction, Refinement and Replacement). Serão duas as categorias de premiação:

1. Produção Acadêmica e
2. Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Inovação.

até dia 20 de outubro de 2017.

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Tags: BrasilEditalPrêmio

[bolsa] National Humanities Center – Residential Fellowships 2018

06/09/2017 10:32

Objetivo: The National Humanities Center will offer up to forty Residential Fellowships for advanced study in the humanities for the period September, 2018 through May, 2019. In addition to scholars from all fields of the humanities, the Center accepts individuals from the natural and social sciences, the arts, the professions, and public life who are engaged in humanistic projects.

Inscrições: até 18 de outubro de 2017

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Tags: EditalExterior

[chamada] NIH – Phenotypic and Functional Characterization of Apoe2 to Inform Translation Strategies for Aging-Related Conditions (R01 and R21)

06/09/2017 10:23

Objetivo: The purpose of the FOA is to conduct basic and translational studies, and to support exploratory and developmental new research activities on ApoE2 and other variants to improve understanding of physiologic and cellular differences attributable to the ApoE e2 allele (vs. other ApoE alleles), and how they mediate ApoE e2’s differential effects on longevity and risk for age-related conditions.

Inscrições: até 16 de outubro de 2017

Mais informações em R01 e R21.

Tags: EditalExterior

[chamada] NIH – Use of Technology to Enhance Patient Outcomes and Prevent Illness (R01 and R21)

06/09/2017 10:17

Objetivo: The Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) seeks clinical research focused on the development and utilization of technologies that can help address patient outcomes. Relevant areas of technology include remote healthcare delivery to patients via telehealth, robotics to enhance medication adherence, on-site care delivery, mobile heath to increase access and adherence, web-based decision support tools, and others.

Inscrições: até 16 de outubro de 2017

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Tags: EditalExterior

[chamada] NIH – Trophoblast Differentiation and Function (R01 and R21)

06/09/2017 10:10

Objetivo: The purpose of the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage applications from the scientific community to support outstanding research in the area of trophoblast differentiation and function in relation to fertility and pregnancy, including the role of the immune system. It is anticipated that fundamental knowledge gained by this research will act as a solid foundation to hasten treatments for a number of placental-based pregnancy disorders, such as implantation failure, frequent pregnancy loss, preeclampsia, fetal growth
restriction, and preterm birth.

Inscrições: até 16 de outubro de 2017

Mais informações em R01 e R21.

Tags: EditalExterior

[chamada] NIH – Environmental Exposures and Health: Exploration of Non-Traditional Settings (R01 and R21)

06/09/2017 10:03

Objetivo: The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to encourage interdisciplinary research aimed at promoting health, preventing and limiting symptoms and disease, and reducing health disparities across the lifespan for those living or spending time in non-traditional settings (playgrounds and nursing homes).

Inscrições: até 16 de outubro de 2017

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Tags: EditalExterior

[chamada] NIH – Cellular and Molecular Biology of Complex Brain Disorders (R01 e R21)

06/09/2017 09:54

Objetivo: This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages research grant applications directed toward the discovery of the impact of alterations associated with complex brain disorders on the fundamental cellular and molecular substrates of neuronal function.

Inscrições: até 16 de outubro de 2017

Mais informações em R01 e R21.

Tags: EditalExterior

[chamada] NIH – Integrative Research on Polysubstance Abuse and Addiction (R21 and R33)

06/09/2017 09:45

Objetivo: This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is supported by Collaborative Research on Addiction (CRAN) at the NIH, a trans-NIH partnership composed of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), and the National Cancer Institute (NCI).

Inscrições: até 16 de outubro de 2017

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Tags: EditalExterior

[prêmio] KNAW – DR A.H. Heineken Prize for Medicine 2018

05/09/2017 10:20

Objetivo: The Dr A.H. Heineken Prize for Medicine is awarded to a scientist who has conducted pioneering medical research. Eligibility: Internationally renowned medical researchers whose research still holds considerable promise for future innovative discoveries.

Inscrições: até 15 de outubro de 2017

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio

[edital] Edital Capes nº 34/2017 – Programa Capes-DFATD

05/09/2017 10:02

Objetivo: Selecionar projetos conjuntos de pesquisa desenvolvidos por grupos brasileiros e canadenses, tem por objetivos:
1. Fortalecer a cooperação entre Instituições de Ensino Superior e/ou de Pesquisa do Brasil e do Canadá;
2. Fomentar o intercambio científico entre grupos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento brasileiros e canadenses;
3. Fomentar a mobilidade de docentes e de estudantes de pós-graduação no nível de doutorado.

Inscrições: até 11 de outubro de 2017

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Tags: CapesEdital