WWSF – Prize for Women’s Creativity in Rural Life 2018

27/02/2018 15:44

Objetivo: To honor women and women’s groups around the world exhibiting exceptional creativity, courage and commitment for the improvement of the quality of life in rural communities. The Prize aims to draw international attention to laureates’ contributions to sustainable development, food security and peace, thus generating recognition and support for their initiatives and projects.

Inscrições: até 30 de abril de 2018

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Royan Institute – Royan International Research Award 2018

27/02/2018 15:38

Objetivo: To prize prominent researches with outstanding help in solving problems in reproduction and stem cell fields. This annual award is a prize given to five prominent research projects in the field of Reproductive Biomedicine, Stem Cell Biology and Technology and other related subjects.

Inscrições: até 27 de abril de 2018

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FC – Programa de Mobilidade de Professores e Investigadores Brasil-Espanha 2018/2019

26/02/2018 10:18

Objetivo: Ofertar bolsas de mobilidade para professores universitários, pesquisadores e estudantes de pós-graduação em fase de pesquisa, de nacionalidade brasileira ou espanhola. As bolsas têm como objetivo promover a cooperação cultural e científica entre Brasil e Espanha.

Inscrições: até 07 de abril de 2018

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Tags: Exterior

ASPB – Plant Biology Learning Objectives, Outreach Materials & Education Grant (Plant Bloome) 2018

26/02/2018 09:57

Objetivo: To enhance public awareness and understanding of the essential roles of plants in all areas of life through funding projects that advance youth, student, and general public knowledge and appreciation of plant biology.

Inscrições: até 02 de abril de 2018

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

Wellcome Trust – Collaborative Awards in Science 2018

22/02/2018 08:04

Objetivo: Collaborative Awards promote the development of new ideas and speed the pace of discovery. We fund teams of researchers, consisting of independent research groups, to work together on the most important scientific problems that can only be solved through collaborative efforts.

Inscrições: até 24 de abril de 2018

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExteriorPrêmio