2023 Indianapolis Prize

27/01/2022 09:00

Grande áreaBiológicas

Tipo de oportunidadePrêmio

Objetivo: The award recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to the sustainability of an animal species or group of species. To be nominated, applicants must have accomplished an individual achievement or series of achievements that have resulted in a demonstrable positive impact on an animal species or group of species that is likely to improve long-term sustainability.

Inscrições: até 25 de fevereiro de 2022

Local: Estados Unidos

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MSA Interchange Invitee Award

23/01/2022 17:00

Grande áreaBiológicas

Tipo de oportunidadePrêmio

Objetivo: The MSA Interchange Invitee awards are given annually to outstanding scientists from minoritized groups to participate in the MSA annual meeting. Applicants may not yet be MSA members or may have joined recently but are not likely to have attended a previous MSA meeting.

Inscrições: até 15 de fevereiro de 2022

Local: Estados Unidos

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio

Call for Projects 2022, the Smart Loire Valley (SLV) Programme offers Visiting Researchers awards.

23/01/2022 11:00

Grande áreaHumanas / Sociais Aplicadas

Tipo de oportunidadePrêmio

Objetivo: Le Studium Visiting Researcher award is an opportunity for senior scientists on leave from their institution with salary maintenance to integrate a high-level laboratory in the Centre-Val de Loire region and the Le Studium international faculty for periods of between 3 to 12 months.

Inscrições: até 16 de fevereiro de 2022

Local: França

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Fulbright Distinguished Award at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (MD Anderson)

23/01/2022 09:00

Grande áreaSaúde

Tipo de oportunidadePrêmio

Objetivo: Will give one Award for a Brazilian scholar to spend one academic semester lecturing and researching in the fall term 2022 (September to December 2022) or spring term 2023 (January to May 2023), following MD Anderson academic year calendar.

Inscrições: até 18 de fevereiro de 2022

Local: Estados Unidos

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John W. Rippon Research Award

20/01/2022 17:00

Grande áreaBiológicas

Tipo de oportunidadePrêmio

Objetivo: The John W. Rippon Research Award supports graduate student research on medically important fungi and is open to M.S. and Ph.D. degree students. Proposals should address innovative approaches to studying medically important fungi, including those that cause mycoses, mycotoxicosis, mycoallergies, and mycetismus.

Inscrições: até 15 de fevereiro de 2022

Local: Estados Unidos

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Mentor Student Travel Awards

20/01/2022 15:00

Grande áreaBiológicas

Tipo de oportunidadePrêmio

Objetivo: Mentor Student Travel Awards are to be used for attending the Mycological Society of America annual meeting. The mentor awards are given in the names of some of our famous mycological forbearers.

Inscrições: até 15 de fevereiro de 2022

Local: Estados Unidos

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Donald Barr Travel Award for Long-Term International MSA Members

20/01/2022 13:00

Grande áreaBiológicas

Tipo de oportunidadePrêmio

Objetivo: The Donald Barr Travel Award is intended to provide travel support for international long-term MSA members to allow them to attend MSA meetings. The goal is to increase access to meetings for long-time MSA members residing outside of the U.S. and Canada. Applicants are encouraged to present a poster or oral presentation at the MSA conference.

Inscrições: até 15 de fevereiro de 2022

Local: Estados Unidos

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Forest Fungal Ecology Research Award

20/01/2022 12:00

Grande áreaBiológicas

Tipo de oportunidadePrêmio

Objetivo: The Forest Fungal Ecology Research Award supports ecological studies of fungal interactions in old growth forests or other unique or endangered ecosystems. Proposals should address innovative approaches to examining fungal systems or interactions of individuals, or groups of fungi, with hosts or substrates in old growth forests or other sensitive ecosystems. Floristic and systematic studies will not be considered.

Inscrições: até 15 de fevereiro de 2022

Local: Estados Unidos

Mais informações no site.

Tags: ExteriorPrêmio