Doctoral Student Position in Molecular Programming

19/09/2021 09:00

Grande áreaBiológicas / Saúde /Engenharias

Tipo de oportunidadePós-graduação

Objetivo: Develop an imaging technique based on information gathered by interactions of DNA molecules and transmitted using high throughput sequencing instead of classical optics. The project will be conducted in the Gene Technology department at SciLifeLab, a vibrant and creative community with a collaborative atmosphere.

Inscrições: até 28 de outubro de 2021

Local: Suécia

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Research Associate in Bioengineering

16/09/2021 15:00

Grande áreaAgrárias / Biológicas / Engenharias

Tipo de oportunidade: Bolsa

Objetivo: Plants are highly regenerative compared to animals. However, not all species regenerate as readily, and regenerative competence can very even among close relatives. Why is regeneration highly and reversibly evolvable? What molecular mechanisms underlie regenerative capacity in plants and how are they targeted in evolution? To answer these questions, a postdoctoral research associate will lead a programme of research to dissect the molecular…

Inscrições: até 24 de outubro de 2021

Local: Reino Unido

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Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Institute for Applied Computational Science

16/09/2021 13:00

Grande áreaExatas e da Terra / Engenharias

Tipo de oportunidadePós-graduação

Objetivo: Aims to recruit and train the most talented, promising, and diverse group of post-doctoral researchers at the interface of computing and data science. IACS will foster young researchers and prepares them for tenure-track faculty careers with emphasis on those with a demonstrable track record of involvement in equity, diversity and inclusion in research, teaching and service.

Inscrições: até 21 de outubro de 2021

Local: Estados Unidos

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Call for sixteen 2-year Postdoc positions

16/09/2021 11:00

Grande áreaAgrárias / Biológicas / Saúde / Exatas e da Terra / Humanas / Sociais Aplicadas / Engenharias / Linguística, Letras e Artes / Outras

Tipo de oportunidadePós-graduação

Objetivo: Is an Alliance program selected under the MSCA-H2020 COFUND for postdoctoral researchers, open to experienced researchers from all around the world, developed in the context of the European University CIVIS.

Inscrições: até 22 de outubro de 2021

Local: França

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Early Career Fellowship in Machine Learning (Lecturer A)

14/09/2021 13:00

Grande áreaExatas e da Terra / Engenharias

Tipo de oportunidadeBolsa

Objetivo: To recruit an outstanding post-doctoral researcher as Early Career Fellow in Machine Learning (Lecturer A), on a full-time basis, for a period of up to five years, in any of the following core research areas within machine learning or artificial intelligence: Robust, privacy-preserving, and explainable machine learning; Reinforcement learning and deep reinforcement learning; Spiking neural networks and neural plasticity; Natural language processing; Computer vision

Inscrições: até 30 de setembro de 2021

Local: Reino Unido

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Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Computational Analysis of Video-Telemetry

14/09/2021 09:00

Grande áreaBiológicas / Saúde / Exatas e da Terra / Engenharias

Tipo de oportunidadePós-graduação

Objetivo: To develop novel artificial intelligence algorithms to analyse video-telemetry data of patients with epilepsy. Video-telemetry data comprises simultaneous recording of video and EEG data. Clinically, video-telemetry data is reviewed by trained neurologists to infer brain regions involved in epileptic seizure onset and spread.

Inscrições: até 30 de setembro de 2021

Local: Inglaterra

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Premio Leonard Rieser para Jóvenes Científicos

12/09/2021 15:00

Grande áreaBiológicas / Saúde

Tipo de oportunidadePrêmio

Objetivo: El Premio se concederá anualmente a un/a científico/a joven por sus valiosos aportes al avance científico o tecnológico para el desarrollo de por lo menos un país de la región, valorado en términos del número e impacto de sus publicaciones en revistas que han logrado reconocimiento internacional y sus contribuciones acreditadas a la institucionalización de la ciencia y la tecnología. En el año 2021 se aceptarán candidatos/as en el área de la Biomedicina y Ciencias de la Vida.

Inscrições: até 15 de outubro de 2021

Local: Exterior

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio

Research Expert in Software Verification

09/09/2021 15:00

Grande áreaExatas e da Terra

Tipo de oportunidadeApoio Financeiro

Objetivo: DistriNet seeks to expand its team with a research expert on software verification. The Program Verification Team at the DistriNet Research Group of the Department of Computer Science (Group Science and Technology) at KU Leuven performs research into technologies for enabling software development teams to deliver software with higher assurance of security, safety, and correctness, more cost-effectively.

Inscrições: até 15 de outubro de 2021

Local: Bélgica

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