The Corporate Giving Program supports partners working within focus areas of food security and nutrition, education and environmental stewardship. Focus areas of the Program:
1. Food security and nutrition: partners working to address hunger, improve nutrition and increase agricultural productivity;
2. Education: programs and projects that improve access to primary and secondary education for children; build skills in science, technology and engineering; and partnerships with higher education institutions in the areas of agriculture, food security and food safety;
3. Environmental stewardship: organizations that demonstrate global leadership in protecting the natural resources and promote sustainable agricultural practices in communities and supply chains.
durante todo o ano.
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The Stars in Global Health program supports Bold Ideas with Big Impact from the best and brightest scientists and innovators, both in low- and middle-income countries and in Canada, to address some of the most pressing global health challenges. The goal of the Stars in Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Request for Proposals (RFP) is to support Bold Ideas with Big Impact on reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health from innovators in eligible countries. Note: Innovations must benefit women and adolescent girls, newborns and/or children under five years old who are among the poorest of the poor in eligible low- and middle-income countries.
até dia 03 de agosto de 2017.
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The LLS is proud to announce the fourth year of the New Idea Award, a grant program designed to identify novel research strategies with a potential for high impact on blood cancer. Specifically, this program supports the initial exploration of untested but potentially transformative ideas that challenge the knowledge of blood cancer or the manner in which the people approach diagnosis or treatment. Competitive proposals will describe ideas that take the investigator’s research in a substantially new direction, and thus preliminary data is not required.
até dia 31 de julho de 2017.
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The Hiranandani Orthopaedic Medical Education (HOME) is a department that is dedicated to the field of clinical research in Orthopaedics. Hiranandani Orthopaedic Medical Education (HOME) Fellowships, in adult hip and knee surgery, are offered by HOME. The research fellow will be a full-time research assistant with dedicated sessions for literature search, data entry, and management of a newly developed software called SwingSmart.
até dia 31 de outubro de 2017.
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The International Team for Implantology (ITI) is a worldwide association of professionals in implant dentistry. The objectives of the ITI are the promotion and dissemination of knowledge about implant dentistry and related fields. The ITI Foundation is a non-profit organization of dedicated scientists and practitioners who champion the correct utilization of implant dentistry for the benefit of the patient.
até 31 de agosto de 2017.
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The John Templeton Foundation serves as a philanthropic catalyst for discoveries relating to the deepest and most perplexing questions facing humankind. It supports research on subjects ranging from complexity, evolution, and emergence to creativity, forgiveness, and free will. The Foundation offers Grants in support of research and public engagement in its major Funding Areas. It invests in bold ideas from contrarian thinkers – ideas that cross disciplinary boundaries and challenge conventional assumptions. And it funds innovative programs that engage the public with these ideas, in an effort to open minds, deepen understanding, and inspire curiosity.
até 31 de agosto de 2017.
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The Facioscapulohumeral Society (FSH) is the world’s largest and most progressive grassroots network of facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) patients, their families and research activists. The FSH Society harnesses the power and insight of a patient-driven model, as it was founded on a promise between two research scientists with FSHD never to let the disease be forgotten or neglected.
até 31 de agosto de 2017.
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The HHV-6 Foundation is a non-profit institution that encourages scientific exchange between investigators by holding conferences for virologists and clinical researchers, maintaining a repository of reagents to facilitate research, and offering pilot grants for promising research projects.
August 31, and December 29, 2017.
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A Ortobom realiza importantes Apoios e Patrocínios a projetos de todo o Brasil. Em ordem de prioridade, seguem os eventos/projetos de seu interesse:
1. Eventos/projetos médicos, ligados ao sono, à postura, à fisioterapia, à ortopedia e ao bem estar;
2. Eventos/projetos ligados à preservação ambiental;
3. Eventos/projetos ligados à sustentabilidade;
4. Eventos/projetos ligados à tecnologia;
5. Feiras de Ciências;
6. Esportes que tenham ligados a sua imagem qualidade de vida e contato com a natureza (corridas, caminhas ecológicas, yoga, barco a vela, ciclismo, etc. Esportes onde o objetivo é a participação e não a competição);
7. Esportes que tenham na sua execução o uso de espumas e derivados (ginástica olímpica, salto com vara);
8. Eventos/projetos ligados à cultura (que valorize a cultura nacional ou tenha cunho educativo à sociedade);
9. Eventos/projetos sociais.
durante todo o ano.
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The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation was established to support research on violence, aggression, and dominance. The foundation places a priority on the study of urgent problems of violence and aggression in the modern world and also encourages related research projects in neuroscience, genetics, animal behavior, the social sciences, history, criminology, and the humanities which illuminate modern human problems.
até 01 de agosto de 2017.
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