Fundação Lemann/ Universidade de Columbia

12/12/2018 08:31

Objetivo:  Financiar propostas que endereçam problemas importantes relacionados à desigualdade no ensino e na aprendizagem através de estudos de pesquisa empírica em salas de aula de escolas públicas brasileiras com implicações para a transformação da formação de professores.

Inscrições: até 15 de janeiro de 2019

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Tags: Apoio financeiroBrasil

William L. Clement Library – Jacob M. Price Visiting Research Fellowships 2019

12/12/2018 08:28

Objetivo:  Price Fellowships offer support for short-term research at the Clements Library by graduate students and junior faculty on any topic of American history that is supported by the collections. Grants are for $1,000 and require a minimum visit of one week.

Inscrições: até 15 de janeiro de 2019

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William L. Clements Library – Reese Fellowship in the Print Culture of the Americas 2019

12/12/2018 08:27

Objetivo: This fellowship encourages research in the history of the book and other print formats, bibliography, and other aspects of print culture in America, including publishing and marketing, from the sixteenth century to 1900. Projects may investigate any printed genre (e.g. books, prints, newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, published photographs, broadsides, maps, etc.). Support for work in manuscript collections will be limited to projects related to printed materials (e.g. annotations in books, publishers’ business archives, etc.)

Inscrições: até 15 de janeiro de 2019

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William L. Clements Library – Norton Strange Townshend Fellowship 2019

12/12/2018 08:26

Objetivo:  Named for physician and educator Norton Strange Townshend (1815-1895), this fellowship offers $10,000 in support of scholarly research on diversity, equity and inclusion in American history during the nineteenth century. Successful applicants are expected to spend a minimum of two months at the Clements.

Inscrições: até 15 de janeiro de 2019

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RSNA – Research Seed Grant 2019

12/12/2018 07:52

Objetivo:  This grant funds investigators who wish to gain experience in defining objectives and testing hypotheses in preparation for bigger grant applications to corporations, foundations and government agencies.

Inscrições: até 15 de janeiro de 2019

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ACLS – Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Research Fellowships in Buddhist Studies 2019

10/10/2018 09:47

Objetivo: Research fellowships offer support for research and writing in Buddhist studies for scholars who hold a PhD degree, with no restrictions on time from the PhD. These fellowships provide scholars time free from teaching and other responsibilities to devote full-time to research and writing on the project proposed.

Inscrições: até 15 de novembro de 2018

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Dumbarton Oaks – Fellowships 2019

27/08/2018 10:13

Objetivo: Fellowships and Junior Fellowships are normally awarded for the academic year (September 9, 2019, to May 8, 2020). During this time, recipients are expected to be in residence at Dumbarton Oaks and to devote full time to their study projects without undertaking any other major activities. Support includes a stipend of $21,000 for a Junior Fellow or $35,000 for a Fellow for the full academic year; housing (a housing allowance may be offered instead of housing if Dumbarton Oaks is unable to provide accommodations); lunch on weekdays; and the health insurance contribution from Dumbarton Oaks.

Inscrições: até 01 de novembro de 2018

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Washington College – Patrick Henry Writing Fellowship 2019/2020

27/08/2018 10:09

Objetivo: The Starr Center for the Study of the American Experience invites applications for its full-time residential writing fellowship, which supports outstanding writing on American history and culture by both scholars and nonacademic authors

Inscrições: até 01 de novembro de 2018

Mais informações no site.

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