ABF/AccessLex Institute Doctoral Fellowship Program in Legal & Higher Education 2019/2020

13/12/2018 07:58

Objetivo: Pending budgetary approval, The American Bar Foundation (ABF) will support up to two pre-doctoral fellowships. The ABF is committed to developing the next generation of scholars in the field of law and social science. The purpose of this fellowship is to encourage original and significant empirical and interdisciplinary research on the study of law and inequality.

Inscrições: até 15 de janeiro de 2019

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Fundação Lemann/ Universidade de Columbia

12/12/2018 08:31

Objetivo:  Financiar propostas que endereçam problemas importantes relacionados à desigualdade no ensino e na aprendizagem através de estudos de pesquisa empírica em salas de aula de escolas públicas brasileiras com implicações para a transformação da formação de professores.

Inscrições: até 15 de janeiro de 2019

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Tags: Apoio financeiroBrasil

William L. Clement Library – Jacob M. Price Visiting Research Fellowships 2019

12/12/2018 08:28

Objetivo:  Price Fellowships offer support for short-term research at the Clements Library by graduate students and junior faculty on any topic of American history that is supported by the collections. Grants are for $1,000 and require a minimum visit of one week.

Inscrições: até 15 de janeiro de 2019

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William L. Clements Library – Reese Fellowship in the Print Culture of the Americas 2019

12/12/2018 08:27

Objetivo: This fellowship encourages research in the history of the book and other print formats, bibliography, and other aspects of print culture in America, including publishing and marketing, from the sixteenth century to 1900. Projects may investigate any printed genre (e.g. books, prints, newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, published photographs, broadsides, maps, etc.). Support for work in manuscript collections will be limited to projects related to printed materials (e.g. annotations in books, publishers’ business archives, etc.)

Inscrições: até 15 de janeiro de 2019

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William L. Clements Library – Norton Strange Townshend Fellowship 2019

12/12/2018 08:26

Objetivo:  Named for physician and educator Norton Strange Townshend (1815-1895), this fellowship offers $10,000 in support of scholarly research on diversity, equity and inclusion in American history during the nineteenth century. Successful applicants are expected to spend a minimum of two months at the Clements.

Inscrições: até 15 de janeiro de 2019

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Center for Philosophy of Science – Postdoctoral Fellowship 2019/2020

19/11/2018 09:03

Objetivo: Postdoctoral Fellowships enable philosophers of science within five years of their doctorates to spend a two-term academic year working in the Center for Philosophy of Science on a project in philosophy of science that they nominate. Two Postdoctoral Fellowships are offered each year. The Center encourages applications from assistant professors in the early stages of their careers as well as from scholars with newly awarded doctorates.

Inscrições: todos os anos, até 15 de dezembro

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