Objetivo: These grants provide funds for an international student, recent graduate, or postdoctoral fellow residing in another country, to help defray the costs of studying the vertebrate paleontology collections at the Florida Museum of Natural History.
Inscrições: durante todo o ano
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Apoio financeiroExterior
Objetivo: To learn clearly-defined methods useful for your ongoing research and the work of your research group at home by visiting another laboratory, or by attending research-orientated courses including practical training (the practical part has to cover at least 50% of the course).
Inscrições: durante todo o ano
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Objetivo: To help promote the careers of young forest scientists and managers through publication in the International Forestry Review.
Inscrições: durante todo o ano
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Objetivo: Enables scientists and clinicians to travel and stay at other institutions in order to learn different scientific techniques related to diabetes research. Either the home or the host institution must be based in Europe or an associated country, and the host institution must be in a different country from the home institution.
Inscrições: durante todo o ano
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Apoio financeiroExterior
Objetivo: The first step in the process of a grant application to the Alpha-1 Foundation is to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI). The submission of an LOI is required for each grant category. An applicant must submit an LOI in order to submit a grant application.
Inscrições: durante todo o ano
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Apoio financeiroExterior
Objetivo: Grants are made in support of international speleological participation, as administered by the NSS International Secretary. The grants are funded from the International Support Fund, which was created with the revenue remaining after the Eighth International Congress of Speleology, hosted by the NSS in 1981 in Bowling Green, Kentucky.
Inscrições: durante todo o ano
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Objetivo: The Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds awards Travel Grants to junior researchers who are currently conducting an experimental project in basic biomedical research and wish to pursue a short-term research stay or attend a practical course of up to 3 months.
Inscrições: durante todo o ano
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Objetivo: To provide funds for an international student, recent graduate, or postdoctoral fellow residing in another country, to help defray the costs of studying the vertebrate paleontology collections at the Florida Museum of Natural History. This grant is supported by the Vertebrate Paleontology Endowment Fund at the Florida Museum of Natural History.
Inscrições: durante todo o ano
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Objetivo: Propiciar ao estudante de pós-graduação de Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES) ou Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia (ICT), mediante a cobertura de despesas, um estágio de curta duração em centro de pesquisa sediado no país para realizar parte de seu trabalho de dissertação ou tese em cooperação com grupo de pesquisa diferente daquele o qual está vinculado, visando enriquecer sua formação e incentivar a colaboração interinstitucional.
Inscrições: durante todo o ano
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Objetivo: To give parasitologists at an early stage in their careers (PhD students or recent graduates) the opportunity to undertake international fieldwork or to visit overseas institutions.
Inscrições: durante todo o ano
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