PhD fellow in Diet-Microbiome interactions

14/04/2022 09:00

Grande áreaSaúde

Tipo de oportunidadeBolsa

Objetivo: Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, Faculty of Science at University of Copenhagen is offering a PhD scholarship to study interactions between diet, environmental factors in the gut and the gut microbiota in humans commencing 01.08.2022 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Inscrições: até 08 de maio de 2022

Local: Dinamarca

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PhD scholarship at the Department of Sociology

12/04/2022 13:00

Grande áreaHumanas

Tipo de oportunidadeBolsa, Pós-graduação

Objetivo: The PhD programme provides PhD students with strong research training which opens up a window of opportunity to a variety of careers within the private and public sectors. The programme includes the drafting of a PhD thesis, active participation in research networks, PhD courses, teaching, and other forms of knowledge dissemination.

Inscrições: até 01 de maio de 2022

Local: Dinamarca

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MS and Phd Scholarship, South Korea

12/04/2022 09:00

Grande áreaExatas e da Terra / Engenharias

Tipo de oportunidade: Bolsa, Pós-graduação

Objetivo: From Dept. of IT Convergence, Kumoh National Institute of Technology (KIT), is recruiting graduate students (Master and Doctoral student) for Fall Semester Intake (Start September). Some research topics in our laboratory are listed below: • Wireless network and communication • Network/communication protocol and standard, cross-layer optimization • Cognitive radio network, software defined radio, and USRP (Universal Software Radio Peripheral)

Inscrições: até 04 de maio de 2022

Local: Coreia do Sul

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PhD fellowship on prediction methods of in-use physical stability of protein drug products

10/04/2022 11:00

Grande áreaBiológicas / Saúde

Tipo de oportunidadeBolsaPós-graduação

Objetivo: The Department of Pharmacy is offering a three-year PhD fellowship to develop prediction methods of in-use physical stability of protein drug products. The PhD fellowship is part of a collaboration between the Department of Pharmacy (Associate Professor Vito Foderà (personal website and research profile at KU) and Novo Nordisk A/S (Minna Grønning Jensen). The project will be based both at the Department of Pharmacy at the University of Copenhagen and at the team Biophysical Analysis in CMC Analytical Support at Novo Nordisk A/S. An external stay at ETH Zurich (Paolo Arosio) is planned.

Inscrições: até 01 de maio de 2022

Local: Dinamarca

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Ph.D. Full Scholarships for the National Institute of Development Administration

07/04/2022 11:00

Grande áreaExatas e da Terra / Engenharias

Tipo de oportunidadeBolsaPós-graduação

Objetivo: The Graduate School of Applied Statistics, National Institute of Development Administration in Bangkok, Thailand is now offering Ph.D. Full scholarships to International Students who want to study Ph.D. programs in Computer Science, Information Systems, or Statistics at the school for the academic year, starting in August.

Inscrições: até 01 de maio de 2022

Local: Tailândia

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