Rising Tide Foundation – Grant Program: Social/Education Programs

05/12/2017 14:12

Objetivo: To support projects that have focus on three main areas: cancer research, libertarian, and social/educational. The goal is to advance studies that deliver results for cancer patients and empower individuals to develop their skills to make a difference for themselves and the greater community.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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Simons Foundation – SFARI Explorer Awards 2018

05/12/2017 13:56

Objetivo: The mission of the Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI) is to improve the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) by funding innovative research of the highest quality and relevance. To this end, we solicit applications for SFARI Awards from individuals who will conduct bold, imaginative, rigorous and relevant research.

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SEMPRE – Arnold Bentley New Initiatives Fund

05/12/2017 13:53

Objetivo: The Arnold Bentley Fund exists to support new, interdisciplinary initiatives concerned with the advancement or promotion of research in the psychology of music or music education. Examples may include support towards a project, conference, seminar, workshop, exhibition or publication that is particularly innovative or pioneering.

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Solving Kids`Cancer – Funding for High-Impact Pediatric Cancer Research: Therapeutic Development Initiative (TDI)

05/12/2017 13:51

Objetivo: The Therapeutic Development Initiative (TDI) is SKC’s strategic platform for the implementation of its research agenda as well as the vehicle for reviewing and prioritizing submitted research proposals. The TDI’s goal is to support innovative clinical studies that are high on the risk/reward spectrum while, at the same time, investigating these research questions efficiently and effectively. Priority is given to proposals that introduce therapeutic agents and modalities which are first-in-children and have a strong potential to improve treatment outcomes.

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PPMD’s GIFTED Initiative: Drug Development Corporate Grant

05/12/2017 13:47

Objetivo: The corporate funding program is part of PPMD’s GIFTED initiative (Global Investment For Therapeutics to End Duchenne) and is focused on the development of new drugs for Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy (the “dystrophinopathies”). The ideal project will yield data that will help a company raise funds from other investors to move the candidate forward to the next stage of clinical development.

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NORD – Research Seed Money Grant for Cat Eye Syndrome

04/12/2017 14:35

Objetivo: The NORD Research Grant Program provides seed-money grants to academic scientists for scientific and/or clinical research. The hope is that these studies will ultimately lead to new diagnostics, treatments, and/or cures for rare diseases. NORD’s program provides grants for the study of diseases for which there are few other sources of funding.

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NORD – Research Seed Money Grant for Malonic Aciduria

04/12/2017 14:33

Objetivo: The NORD Research Grant Program provides seed-money grants to academic scientists for scientific and/or clinical research. The hope is that these studies will ultimately lead to new diagnostics, treatments, and/or cures for rare diseases. NORD’s program provides grants for the study of diseases for which there are few other sources of funding

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PlanetRomeo Foundation Funding

04/12/2017 14:30

Objetivo: To provide funding up to € 5,000 to grassroots emerging LGBTI projects and initiatives. The support focuses on achieving societal change in order to improve the position of LGBTI people throughout the world, with an emphasis on the most disadvantaged regions and communities. The project also focus on mobilizing and activating the LGBTI community in those challenging contexts.

Inscrições: todos os anos, até 01 de janeiro, 01 de abril, 01 de julho e 01 de outubro

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