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Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Quantum Computing and Nanoelectronics

10/12/2020 09:05

Grande áreaExatas e da Terra / Engenharias

Objetivo: This PDRF will be focused on the development of measurement systems and devices to enable the coupling of spin qubits (confined in silicon-MOS quantum dots) with microwave photons (confined in superconducting resonators). Spin-photon coupling has considerable potential for the transfer of quantum information across an integrated circuit and could have major benefits for scalability of spin qubits.

Inscrições: até 04 de janeiro de 2021

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Senior Research Fellow – Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering

08/12/2020 09:03

Grande áreaExatas e da Terra / Engenharias

Objetivo: Experienced design engineer (aerospace, mechanical or software) to work on a project aimed at accomplishing this. 1) Developing radically new, machine learning driven methods of defining parametric CAD geometry for aircraft and 2) Capturing the rationale behind design decisions, whose efficient subsequent retrieval will aid product certification and re-design in a way that scales favourably with product complexity.

Inscrições: até 03 de janeiro de 2021

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Tenure-Track Position in Biomaterials / Biochemical Engineering

06/12/2020 09:02

Grande áreaEngenharias

Objetivo: The Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering invites applications for a tenure-track position in the area of biomaterials and/or biochemical engineering. Areas of particular interest are engineering applications of synthetic biology, applications of biochemical engineering in
chemical, pharmaceutical, and/or food and beverage industry.

Inscrições: até 05 de janeiro de 2021

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Tenure-Track Position in Chemical Process Control and Process Integration – Concordia University

06/12/2020 09:01

Grande áreaEngenharias

Objetivo: The Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering invites applications for a tenure-track position in the area of Chemical Process Control and Chemical Process Integration. Areas of particular interest include, but are not limited to, control of distributed systems of chemical
plants, bioprocess control, control of renewable chemical processes, and the application of machine learning in chemical process control.

Inscrições: até 05 de janeiro de 2021

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Doctoral Student in Networked Systems for Machine Learning

03/12/2020 09:05

Grande áreaEngenharias

Objetivo: The advertised doctoral student positions are within an ambitious, 5-year European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Project titled “ULTRA”. Your work will entail design, implementation, and evaluation of distributed systems and networks for building ultra-low latency Internet services. Special emphasis will be paid to low latency, resilient frameworks for machine learning (including distributed and federated learning).

Inscrições: até 08 de janeiro de 2021

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Postdoctoral Research Fellow – Quantum Computing and Nanoelectronics

03/12/2020 09:04

Grande áreaExatas e da Terra / Engenharias

Objetivo: This role of Postdoctoral Research Fellow (PDRF) is to support the research group led by Scientia Professor Andrew Dzurak in the School of Electrical Engineering & Telecommunications. This PDRF will be focused on the development of measurement systems and devices to enable the coupling of spin qubits (confined in silicon-MOS quantum dots) with microwave photons (confined in superconducting resonators).

Inscrições: até 04 de janeiro de 2021

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Assistant Professor, Quantum Computing and Information Science – Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

03/12/2020 09:02

Grande áreaExatas e da Terra / Engenharias

Objetivo: The University of California, Berkeley invites applications for an approved tenure-track position in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at the Assistant Professor level in the specialized area of Quantum Computing and Information Science (QCIS).

Inscrições: até 04 de janeiro de 2021

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Assistant Teaching Professor – Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

03/12/2020 09:01

Grande áreaExatas e da Terra / Engenharias

Objetivo: The University of California, Berkeley invites applications for an approved teaching-track position in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at the Assistant Teaching Professor level.

Inscrições: até 04 de janeiro de 2021

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Tags: Exterior

Eco Desafio 12.0 – Prêmios de Sustentabilidade e Plásticos

01/12/2020 09:04

Grande áreaAgrárias / Biológicas / Saúde / Exatas e da Terra / Humanas / Sociais Aplicadas / Engenharias / Linguística, Letras e Artes / Outras

Objetivo: Eco-Desafio 12.0 promove uma nova visão do plástico e contribui para um futuro sustentável na América Latina e no Caribe. No Eco-Desafio 12.0 busca-se identificar soluções escaláveis e sustentáveis que permitirão à indústria e ao consumidor ir além do uso tradicional do plástico e construir um mundo no qual esse material não se transforme em resíduo. Tudo isso através da redução, reaproveitamento, reciclagem e reinvenção do mesmo.

Inscrições: até 31 de dezembro de 2020

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio
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