[chamada] NIH – Strategic Alliances for Medications Development to Treat Substance Use Disorders (R01)

16/05/2017 16:38

The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support research that advances compounds towards FDA approval by leveraging NIDA funds with the strengths and resources of outside organizations, such as for-profit and not-for-profit entities, including academic institutions, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, private and public foundations, and small businesses.

July 25, 2017; March 27, 2018; July 25, 2018; March 27, 2019; July 25,

Letter of Intent Due Date(s):
30 days prior to the application due date

Data de expiração:
July 26, 2019.

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Tags: EditalExterior

[chamada] Red Bull Basement

16/05/2017 16:03

O programa compreende uma residência hacker, um makerspace com workshops gratuitos, palestras mensais e um festival anual, tudo isso ocorrendo bem no centro de São Paulo, no Red Bull Station. Por trás dessas vertentes, o desejo é criar um espaço de catalisação e debate de soluções e projetos que explorem o uso da tecnologia de forma criativa na abordagem de questões urbanas.

até 28 de maio de 2017.

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Tags: BrasilEdital

[chamada] NIH – Genomic Community Resources (U24)

15/05/2017 17:15

To facilitate genomic research and the dissemination of its products, NHGRI supports genomic resources that are crucial for basic research, disease studies, model organism studies, and other biomedical research. Awards under this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) will support the development and distribution of genomic resources that will be valuable for the broad research community, using cost-effective approaches. Such resources include (but are not limited to) databases and informatics resources (such as human and model organism databases, ontologies, and analysis toolsets), comprehensive identification and collections of genomic features (such as functional genomic elements), and standard data types produced using central sets of samples (such as structural variants in 1000 Genomes or GTEx samples). NCI is interested in any of the above types of resources that focus on cancer.

July 13, 2017.

Letter of Intent Due Date(s):
30 days prior to the application due date

Data de expiração:
January 26, 2020.

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Tags: EditalExterior

[chamada] NIH StrokeNet Clinical Trials and Biomarker Studies for Stroke Treatment, Recovery, and Prevention (U01)

15/05/2017 16:55

The Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages applications for multi-site exploratory and confirmatory clinical trials focused on promising interventions, as well as biomarker-or outcome measure validation studies that are immediately reparatory to trials in stroke prevention, treatment, and recovery. Successful applicants will collaborate and conduct the trial within the NIH StrokeNet.

July 11, 2017.

Letter of Intent Due Date(s):
30 days prior to the application due date

Data de expiração:
January 8, 2018.

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Tags: EditalExterior

[chamada] Edital BNDES/FINEP Inova Mineral

15/05/2017 15:27

Selecionar planos de investimento que contemplem o desenvolvimento tecnológico, produção e comercialização de produtos, processos e/ou serviços inovadores e mais sustentáveis, visando ao desenvolvimento de empresas e tecnologias brasileiras nas cadeias produtivas da indústria de mineração e transformação mineral.

de 15 de maio até 14 de julho de 2017.

A UFSC poderá participar do edital na condição de parceira da empresa proponente.

Disponibilizamos o documento “Dados Institucionais UFSC” com informações que poderão auxiliar na elaboração da proposta.

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Tags: BNDESBrasilEditalFINEP

[chamada] Kennedy’s Disease Research Grants 2017

12/05/2017 15:52

The Kennedys Disease Association (KDA) is a non-profit corporation, incorporated in California on August 21, 2000 dedicated to finding a treatment or cure for Kennedy’s Disease. The Kennedy’s Disease Research Grants aims to fund one or more research Grant in order to further the understanding of the pathological mechanisms of Kennedy’s Disease.

até 07 de junho de 2017.

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Tags: EditalExterior

[chamada] Shell GameChanger Innovation Challenge

12/05/2017 14:53

Shell GameChanger is soliciting early-stage innovative technology solutions and proposals in the following categories for potential funding and partnership opportunities:

New Energies:
Solar Fuels
Grids of the Future
Digitalization Machine Learning

Oil and Gas:
Safety and Sustainability
Real-time monitoring, control, and data analytics
Improved hydrocarbon recovery
Environment & Conservation – Water
Novel Well Technologies
Geosciences – Carbonates

até 30 de junho de 2017.

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Tags: EditalExterior

[chamada] Future Earth – PEGASuS: Biodiversity and Natural Assets 2017

12/05/2017 13:29

The Future Earth is the largest coordinated effort to mobilize science in the service of sustainability. Future Earth was designed with the goal of generating integrated knowledge, tools, and capacities in support of more rapid, effective, and durable solutions to our largest sustainable development challenges. The PEGASuS: Biodiversity and Natural Assets focus on interdisciplinary research connecting the natural and social sciences. The goal of the Program is to increase knowledge, promote innovation, and establish evidence-based solutions to the world’s most difficult sustainability challenges..

até 05 de junho de 2017.

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Tags: EditalExterior