FSMP – Postdoctoral Positions 2018

13/11/2017 09:44

Objetivo: The Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris provides funding for 20 years of post-doctoral fellowships in mathematics and in computer science for the 2018-2019 academic year. Appointed fellows will hold one or two-year positions in affiliated research laboratories, starting in October 2018.

Inscrições: até 01 de dezembro de 2017

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OARSI Awards

13/11/2017 09:34

Objetivo: The purpose of the OARSI Clinical Research Award is to recognize excellence in clinical research related to osteoarthritis. Research domains include, but are not limited to, areas such as epidemiology and health-services research, clinical outcomes, translational research, and therapeutics, encompassing all phases of research having clinical implications.

Inscrições: até 15 de dezembro de 2017

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Prêmio Internacional Fiocruz/Servier 2017

10/11/2017 07:31

Promover e incentivar a pesquisa fundamental com forte potencial terapêutico para o benefício de pacientes acometidos com doenças neurológicas. O Prêmio vem coroar um grupo de pesquisa de alto nível/ experimentação, reconhecido nacionalmente e/ou internacionalmente.

até 12 de dezembro de 2017.

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APS – Central Nervous System Section Van Harreveld Memorial Award 2018

10/11/2017 07:27

The Central Nervous System Section Van Harreveld Memorial Award recognizes outstanding research in neuroscience by a graduate student, who participates in the Experimental Biology Meeting. The recipient must be first author on an abstract presented at the Experimental Biology meeting (See “Tips on Writing a Successful Abstract” below). The subject matter of the abstract should be any topic related to the central or peripheral nervous system. While there is no limit on the number of times an applicant may apply for the Van Harreveld Memorial Award, each applicant is eligible to win this award only once.

até 11 de dezembro de 2017.

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Prince Claus Fund

10/11/2017 07:16

The Prince Claus Fund, through its Cultural Emergency Response programme (CER), and the Whiting Foundation announce a new call for proposals for projects in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean to safeguard documentary heritage that is acutely threatened by recent conflict or other disaster, whether natural or man-made.

até 31 de dezembro de 2017.

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IPC – Paul C. Silva Student Grants for Travel or Research

10/11/2017 07:03

The IPS will award up to eight IPS Student Grants for travel or research annually to honour Dr Paul C. Silva (left) of the University and Jepson Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley, and Chair of the International Organizing Committee that established the International Phycological Society (Van den Hoek 1985) in 1960.

até 31 de dezembro de 2017.

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ARSC – Conference Travel Grants 2018

09/11/2017 16:47

The ARSC Research Grants Program is designed to encourage and support scholarship and publication by individuals in the field of sound recordings or audio preservation. Specific projects eligible for support include discography, bibliography, historical studies of the sound recording industry and its products, and any other subject likely to increase the public’s understanding and appreciation of the lasting importance of recorded sound.

até 15 de dezembro de 2017.

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Tags: EditalExteriorPrêmio