Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna – Ph.D. in Human Rights and Global Politics: Legal, Philosophical and Economic Challenges 2018/2019

12/03/2018 09:58

Objetivo: To provide, through a three-years Ph.D. programme, an educational path which will enable participants not only to carry out sound academic research, but also to undertake professional careers within a wide range of international, national and regional entities, in both the private and the public sectors.

Inscrições: até 15 de maio de 2018

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Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna – IUSS Joint PhD in Economic 2018/2019

09/03/2018 10:20

Objetivo: To offer an exchange opportunity to study in a 4-year doctoral program designed for highly qualified and motivated students who wish to acquire the research and analytical skills of the international scientific community in economics. It is designed for students seeking jobs in academia as well as those who wish to acquire the skills of professional academic research to work in government agencies, financial institutions, international agencies, private companies.

Inscrições: até 15 de maio de 2018

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FARA – Kyle Bryant Translational Research Award 2018

09/03/2018 10:17

Objetivo: To fund researchs focusing on pre-clinical and clinical investigations that will advance treatments for Friedrich’s Ataxia. The specific aims must target one or more of the following:
Identification of biomarkers for FA that will elucidate disease variability, severity, and prognosis; facilitate drug screening, and/or optimize selection of patients and clinical endpoints for clinical trials; Development of tools and technologies that can (a) be directly used for therapy development; (b) overcome existing obstacles to treatment and (c) be directly applied to, or adapted for, delivery of potential therapeutics; Pre-clinical development and testing of potential therapeutics, biologics, and devices in cells and animals; Clinical studies of patient outcome measures, potential interventions, or devices.

Inscrições: até 15 de maio de 2018

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FARA – Bronya J. Keats Award for International Collaboration in Research on FA 2018

09/03/2018 10:14

Objetivo: To fund Letters of Intentions focusing on Friedrich’s Ataxia research that relies on international collaboration among investigators in at least two different countries. Special consideration will be given to proposals that bring new scientists to the FA community. The rationale for the collaboration needs to be convincing and must clearly demonstrate that the research goals could not be achieved by just one of the participating groups and that the synergy among the groups is essential for the success of the project.

Inscrições: até 15 de maio de 2018

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

American Psychological Foundation – Violet and Cyril Franks Scholarship 2018

09/03/2018 10:09

Objetivo: To support graduate-level scholarly projects that use a psychological perspective to help understand and reduce stigma associated with mental illness. The scholarship helps address research which shows that stigma is a significant barrier to treatment and recovery for many of the 50 million Americans living with mental illness.

Inscrições: até 15 de maio de 2018

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Tags: BolsaExterior

Erasmus Mundus Consortium in Sustainable Constructions under Natural Hazards and Catastrophic Events (SUSCOS): Master Scholarships for non-Eu Students 2018/2020

09/03/2018 10:02

Objetivo: To offer scholarships at the Master’s course of Sustainable Constructions. The focus of master course SUSCOS_M is to provide attendees the engineering ability and know-how to design and construct structures in a balanced approach between economic, environmental and social aspects, enhancing the sustainability and competitiveness of the steel industry.

Inscrições: até 15 de maio de 2018

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Tags: BolsaExterior

Edital Capes nº02/2018 – Programa MATH-AmSud/Capes

09/03/2018 09:57

Objetivo: Fomentar o intercâmbio entre Instituições de Ensino Superior sulamericanas e francesas; fomentar a colaboração e o intercâmbio científico entre grupos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento brasileiros, sul-americanos e franceses além de fomentar a mobilidade de docentes e de estudantes de pós-graduação no nível de doutorado e de pós-doutorado. Este Edital visa selecionar até 5 (cinco) projetos conjuntos de pesquisa para início das atividades a partir de janeiro de 2019, no âmbito da área de Matemática, mediante decisão conjunta entre as agências financiadoras e disponibilidade orçamentária e financeira da Capes.

Inscrições: até 15 de maio de 2018

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Tags: BolsaExterior

Edital Capes nº01/2018 – Programa STIC-AmSud/Capes

09/03/2018 09:51

Objetivo: Fomentar o intercâmbio entre Instituições de Ensino Superior sul-americanas e francesas; fomentar a colaboração e o intercâmbio científico entre grupos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento brasileiros, sul-americanos e franceses além de fomentar a mobilidade de docentes e de estudantes de pós-graduação no nível de doutorado e de pós-doutorado. Este Edital visa selecionar até 5 (cinco) projetos conjuntos de pesquisa para início das atividades a partir de janeiro de 2019, no âmbito da área das Ciências e Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação, mediante decisão conjunta entre as agências financiadoras e disponibilidade orçamentária e financeira da Capes.

Inscrições: até 15 de maio de 2018

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Tags: BolsaExterior